Independent REM checks

The request was successful.

Dear Post Office Limited,

In the Financial year 2018 - 2019 how much did POL pay for people not employed by POL to check incoming cash REMs at Cash Centres that were suspected of being Over, Short or containing Counterfeit notes.

Yours faithfully,

Mark daniels on behalf of Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Daniels,

Please find an acknowledgement attached to your Freedom of Information


Kerry Moodie

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street

London EC2Y 9AQ

0333 665 3951 on behalf of Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Daniels,

Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request.


Kerry Moodie

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street

London EC2Y 9AQ

0333 665 3951