Independence of Audit and/or Scrutiny Committee Chairs
Dear Cheltenham Borough Council,
The independence of scrutiny committees and audit committees has been identified in a number of Public Interest Reports as being an important factor in facilitating meaningful scrutiny and challenge within local authorities.
If your local authority doesn’t not have an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following in relation to the committee within your councils which has audit responsibilities.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny system please note that as audit committees are not formally treated as part of scrutiny it may be that they are treated differently in the council’s constitution and policies.
Please confirm whether you are responding to this request in relation to scrutiny committees and/or audit committees.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny committee system, please confirm how many committees (excluding audit) are part of that system?
Policy on Selection & Appointment of Committee Chairs: Please provide the council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny committee chairs and audit committee chairs. Please either copy and paste the section of council policy relating to the selection of scrutiny and audit committee chairs or provide a link and details of the section/sub-section within the document where we can locate this information.
Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs/Conveners: Please provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit committee chairs (or conveners) are members of an opposition party to the main controlling party or controlling coalition.
Yours faithfully,
Megan Waugh
Research for Action
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry. Your request for information has been logged as FOI 9929 and you will receive a response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Customer Relations and Information Officer
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
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FOI: 9929
Dear Ms Waugh,
We have processed your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOI) as this is the relevant legislation for your
information request.
Your Request
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny committee system,
please confirm how many committees (excluding audit) are part of that
Policy on Selection & Appointment of Committee Chairs: Please provide the
council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny
committee chairs and audit committee chairs. Please either copy and paste
the section of council policy relating to the selection of scrutiny and
audit committee chairs or provide a link and details of the
section/sub-section within the document where we can locate this
Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs/Conveners: Please
provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit
committee chairs (or conveners) are members of an opposition party to the
main controlling party or controlling coalition.
Our Response
CBC has one Overview and Scrutiny Committee :
The committee is appointed at Annual and Selection Council. This is
governed by Rule 2.5 of Part 4A of the Council's Constitution -
Rule 2.5 k provides for the election of Chair/Vice-Chairs to Committees
for the ensuing two years;
The current Overview and Scrutiny Committee is chaired by one of the
Opposition parties.
The current chair of the Audit,Compliance and Governance Committee is a
member of the controlling party of the administration.
Please note: If you are dissatisfied with the Council’s response you have
a right of appeal. In the first instance please forward your appeal to
Customer Relations, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices,
Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA or email:
[Cheltenham Borough Council request email]. Your appeal will be considered and a
response sent to you within 20 working days.
If you are still not happy with this decision you have a further right of
appeal to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Kind regards,
Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Customer Relations and Information Officer
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [3][Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
Website: [4]
Working together to create a great future for Cheltenham
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