Independence of Audit and/or Scrutiny Committee Chairs
Dear Peterborough City Council,
The independence of scrutiny committees and audit committees has been identified in a number of Public Interest Reports as being an important factor in facilitating meaningful scrutiny and challenge within local authorities.
If your local authority doesn’t not have an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following in relation to the committee within your councils which has audit responsibilities.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny system please note that as audit committees are not formally treated as part of scrutiny it may be that they are treated differently in the council’s constitution and policies.
Please confirm whether you are responding to this request in relation to scrutiny committees and/or audit committees.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny committee system, please confirm how many committees (excluding audit) are part of that system?
Policy on Selection & Appointment of Committee Chairs: Please provide the council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny committee chairs and audit committee chairs. Please either copy and paste the section of council policy relating to the selection of scrutiny and audit committee chairs or provide a link and details of the section/sub-section within the document where we can locate this information.
Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs/Conveners: Please provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit committee chairs (or conveners) are members of an opposition party to the main controlling party or controlling coalition.
Yours faithfully,
Megan Waugh
Research for Action
Re: FOI202312001150
Dear Sir / Madam
This is a courtesy email to let you know your request for information has
been received on 13/12/2023.
The Council aims to respond to all requests within 20 working days, in
this instance by 15/01/2024
Your unique reference number is FOI202312001150. Please keep this number
safe and please use it in any correspondence with ourselves.
Kind regards
Information Governance
Law & Governance
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Contact details:
Kevin Taylor, Access to Information Officer - 01733 452576
Tazeem Akhtar, Access to Information Officer - 01733 207138
Sadaf Abdullah, Access to Records Officer - 01733 864668
Tracey Wright, Information Manager - 01733 452533
Ben Stevenson, Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer on
01733 452387 (non-working day Wed)
Emma Doran, Business Support Officer - 01733 453571
Email: [Peterborough City Council request email]
To find out more about Peterborough City Council please go to
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Re: FOI-202312001150
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for recently submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to
Peterborough City Council.
You will have received an automated acknowledgment email advising of when
to expect a response from us. Unfortunately, we have identified an error
with the date provided to you and it has inadvertently been
calculated incorrectly.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have
caused. We have now rectified this error within our new FOI system, and we
can advise that your correct response date will be 16th January 2024.
We will be in contact with you in due course with a response to your
request, however, if you have any queries or concerns, please do contact
Kind regards
Information Governance
Law & Governance
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Contact details:
Kevin Taylor, Access to Information Officer - 01733 452576
Tazeem Akhtar, Access to Information Officer - 01733 207138
Sadaf Abdullah, Access to Records Officer - 01733 864668
Tracey Wright, Information Manager - 01733 452533
Ben Stevenson, Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer on
01733 452387 (non-working day Wed)
Emma Doran, Business Support Officer - 01733 453571
Email: [Peterborough City Council request email]
To find out more about Peterborough City Council please go to
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use of this email.For full information relating to the transmission and
use of this email please visit
Freedom of Information Act response – ref FOI-202312001150
Dear Megan Waugh,
Your request for information, reference number FOI-202312001150, has now
been considered and the information requested is given below.
Request and Response
The independence of scrutiny committees and audit committees has been
identified in a number of Public Interest Reports as being an important
factor in facilitating meaningful scrutiny and challenge within local
If your local authority doesn’t not have an overview and scrutiny system
please answer the following in relation to the committee within your
councils which has audit responsibilities.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny system please note
that as audit committees are not formally treated as part of scrutiny it
may be that they are treated differently in the council’s constitution and
Please confirm whether you are responding to this request in relation to
scrutiny committees and/or audit committees.
If your local authority has an overview and scrutiny committee system,
please confirm how many committees (excluding audit) are part of that
Policy on Selection & Appointment of Committee Chairs: Please provide the
council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny
committee chairs and audit committee chairs. Please either copy and paste
the section of council policy relating to the selection of scrutiny and
audit committee chairs or provide a link and details of the
section/sub-section within the document where we can locate this
Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs/Conveners: Please
provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit
committee chairs (or conveners) are members of an opposition party to the
main controlling party or controlling coalition.
Please see response below.
We are responding to this request for both the scrutiny committees and
audit committee.
There are 4 scrutiny committees at Peterborough City Council. The Scrutiny
Committee Chairs are selected by Members and are ratified at Full Council.
The Audit Committee Chair is an independent member, as detailed in section in the following [1]link:
(Also here
- [2]
This appointment is also ratified at Full Council.
Our controlling group is Peterborough First. Of the 4 Scrutiny Chairs and
1 Audit Chair none are from the controlling group.
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