Income Derived from Private Sources

The request was refused by Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, will you please
provide me with details of income derived from (a) all private
sources, and (b) assisting bailiffs and/or attending at eviction of
premises events, both (a) and (b) being required for both the
current and the previous fiscal period.

Yours faithfully,

Angela Snodgrove

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary




Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667


Private Our Reference 1362/14

Ms Angela Snodgrove
Date 1^st December
[1][email address] 2014



Dear Ms Snodgrove


I write in connection with your request for information dated 1^st
December 2014 concerning income derived from private sources. This request
will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act. In some
circumstances Avon and Somerset Constabulary may be unable to achieve this
deadline if consideration needs to be given to the public interest test.
If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at
the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely,


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department


Please note;

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.




show quoted sections

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary




Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667


Private Our Reference 1362/14

Ms Angela Snodgrove
Date 4^th December
[1][FOI #242055 email] 2014



Dear Ms Snodgrove



Thank you for your request which I have copied below. In order for us to
provide you with the information you require some clarification is


In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, will you please 
provide me with details of income derived from (a) all private  sources,
and (b) assisting bailiffs and/or attending at eviction of  premises
events, both (a) and (b) being required for both the  current and the
previous fiscal period.


Can you please clarify what particular information you are seeking in
relation to question (a). We receive income from various sources for
various charges. The term ‘all private sources’ is very broad and may
cover multiple areas and transactions. Please let us know what particular
types of private income you are interested in to enable us to conduct the
appropriate searches.  For example, are you seeking charges that have been
made for Special Policing Services? Or is there another area you are
interested in?


I will be unable to continue to process your request until I have received
your clarification. If your clarification is not received within 20
working days this request will be closed.

Yours sincerely,


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department


Please note;

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.




show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

Income derived from SERVICES RENDERED. Your response is due twenty days from my request.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

Income derived from services rendered. No more stalling, please.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

dennis fallon left an annotation ()

Angela,please don`t make the police appear to be stupid and don`t SHOUT at them `cause deep down they are really sensitive.Very deep down.

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

Thanks, Dennis. My apologies. Just because they fail to investigate economic crime doesn't make them thick or insensitive. Perhaps I should take a Common Purpose course, or something, to bring me up to speed when communicating with them?
Mr Llwyd: Yes, they did, and I want to say a brief word about that towards the conclusion of my remarks. At least 44 cases were reported to the Avon and Somerset police, who unfortunately, took very little interest in what was going on—the chief executive of Avon and Somerset police is an ex-partner of Burges Salmon, by the way, so that is another interesting piece of information. Peter Williams was at one time a partner in Burges Salmon, as was John Smith, the chief executive of Avon and Somerset police, who was appointed in 2009. Avon and Somerset police describe themselves on their website as long-standing clients of Burges Salmon. That article also appears on Burges Salmon’s website.

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667



Private Our Reference 1362/14

Angela Snodgrove Your reference  

[FOI #242055 email] Date 12 January 2015


Dear Ms Snodgrove


I write in connection with your request for information dated 1^st
December concerning income derived from all private sources.


Specifically you asked:  “In accordance with the Freedom of Information
Act, will you please  provide me with details of income derived from (a)
all private  sources,  and (b) assisting bailiffs and/or attending at
eviction of  premises  events, both (a) and (b) being required for both
the  current and the  previous fiscal period.”  You clarified on the 15^th
December you were interested in “income derived from services rendered.”


I regret to advise you that although we may hold the information you have
asked for your request is refused because we estimate that the cost of
compliance would exceed the cost limits under the Act which is currently
set at £450 or 18 staff hours work.  This letter represents a Refusal
Notice under the Act.


As described to you in our letter seeking clarification we receive income
from various sources for various charges. The term ‘all private sources’
is very broad and may cover multiple areas and transactions.  As such the
information requested is not centrally recorded and would involve an
extensive search of our records to identify any relevant information.


As previously mentioned if you can be more specific regarding which
particular types of private income you are interested, this may assist in
reducing your request to a more manageable level. As previously suggested
we may be able to provide information based on our provision of special
policing services.  This is the accepted terminology as set out in the
ACPO guidance on charging for policing services -


Please note that we do not derive income from assisting bailiffs or from
our attendance at evictions. 




Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy





show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

I have no idea why you have chosen to respond to me with an appeals procedure detail.

You people asked for clarification of my request.

I submitted clarification.

You ignored it.

I requested an internal review.

You ignored it.

I submitted another request for an internal review.

You sent me details of how to appeal.

I will be taking further action against you, as you are breaking the law, unless you give me an internal review.

This is now my third request. You people appear to be very dishonest.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()


I can't see where you asked for an internal review and they ignored it, at least in this request.

The police replied saying your request falls outside the time and money limits, which is fair enough as your request is somewhat wide ranging.

Maybe if you trimmed it down or reworded it as per their advice..?

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

Mr. Hodder. see my clarification December 15, 19

All they need to do is look at the Statement of Accounts under revenue.

What is your interest in the matter?

Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Avon and Somerset Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Income Derived from Private Sources'.

[ They have failed to respond to me after my clarification letters of December 15, and 19. The request is long overdue. ]

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Angela Snodgrove

Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Avon and Somerset Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Income Derived from Private Sources'.

[ ADDENDUM: This information will be readily available to them under their STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE LAST FISCAL YEAR, under REVENUE and available to the FOI officer at no cost factor - or five minutes' work]

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Angela Snodgrove

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667





Private Our Reference 1362/14

Angela Snodgrove Your reference  
Date 13 January
<[FOI #242055 email]> 2015


Dear Ms Snodgrove


I write in connection with your 3 emails today concerning your freedom of
information request.


Your first email of the 13^th January raises the following points which I
will address below:


 1. You state that you have no idea why we have chosen to respond with an
appeals procedure.
 2. The Constabulary asked for clarification, which you provided and we
 3. You requested an internal review, which we ignored
 4. You submitted another request for an internal review


We responded to your request as you can view on the internet on the 12^th
January. Our response outlined that the information was not centrally held
and the cost of compliance was exceeded, as correctly annotated. We
included our appeals procedure as we do with every response.

Your request clarification was not ignored, and is referred to in our

At that time you had made no such requests for an internal review, again
correctly annotated, and plain to see on the internet.

You have now sent a further 2 emails requesting internal reviews, which I
will forward to the relevant person.


I note that you believe this information is available on our statement of
accounts which is a published document, if that is the case then you
should already have access to the requested information.


Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

I have not received the requested information. I only received your APPEALS notice.

Please supply the information.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

2 Attachments

Please see the above link to the what do they know website where our response dated the 12th January is published.
I have also attached the original email we sent.

Many thanks

show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

Please supply me with details of revenue received from bailiffs for the year 2014. You should be able to work this out quite quickly.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,

For the purpose of clarification, lease supply me with details of revenue received from bailiffs for the year 2014. You should be able to work this out quite quickly.

This website is always malfunctioning

Yours sincerely,

Angela Snodgrove

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

Strange. I've never had a problem with this site....

Maybe it's user error.

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

I have had problems before. You have a lot of time on your hands. maybe that's why you have never had a problem with the site.

Your postings have been incredibly helpful. Thank you so much.

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667





Private Our Reference 042/14

Angela Snodgrove Your reference  
Date 14 January
<[FOI #242055 email]> 2015


Dear Ms Snodgrove


I write in connection with your request for information dated 13^th
January concerning revenue received from bailiffs.


Specifically you asked:  “For the purpose of clarification, please supply
me with details of revenue received from bailiffs for the year 2014. You
should be able to work this out quite quickly.”


May I refer you again to my original response to you dated 12^th January
where I have already addressed this question, stated the following“ Please
note that we do not derive income from assisting bailiffs or from our
attendance at evictions.”


I can only suggest that perhaps you contact the administrators of the
website if you are experiencing difficulties viewing our replies, as it
appears some users are able to view the correspondence, when you are
unable.  Of course as an alternative you can always request information
directly from our website.


Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy



show quoted sections

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

Then, Angela, perhaps you should complain to WDTK themselves, rather than to A&S who, quite clearly, don't like using the site anyway.

Have fun.

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

I already did, Tom. You're a gem, Tom. What would this site do without you? Thanks for all your invaluable help.

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

Thanks Angela, praise is always appreciated.

I trust you'll be making a donation towards the running of WDTK in my name to recognise my hard work?

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

Tom, I do not have time for your shenanigans. Get a life.

dennis fallon left an annotation ()

Angela,please do not get agressive with me,as honestly I am trying to be helpful.At the bottom of this page, please look,you will note that a real HERO,Chris Lightfoot (R.I.P) created this FREE site before he died.It is the only way we can publicly expose the bad people in power,who are trained to AVOID answering questions although they pretend to be helpful.Their normal excuses are `question too broad and expensive to answer` or `you are being vexatious and asking too many questions`.You have to understand their tactics and design simple and focussed questions.You are dealing with possibly EVIL people, please treat this site wih due respect, it`s one of the few GOOD things in this World..

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

Dennis, I was addressing Tom. Is that your alias?

Jeff Hines, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Snodgrove

Please find attached a response to your request for an internal review of
your FOI request.

Yours sincerely

Jeff Hines
Information Access Manager
Ext 66305

<<Letter Ms Snodgrove.doc>>


show quoted sections

Tom Hodder left an annotation ()

It's concluded, as I said, 2 weeks ago. It would be useful if people read the replies from those they are requesting information from.

Angela Snodgrove left an annotation ()

Know it alls with time on their hands make the world a better place.