Knowledge, Analysis & Intelligence
Freedom of Information Team
Anca Moldovan
6 Floor
Central Mail Unit
By email:
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ
Date: 10 October 2018
Our ref:
Dear Anca Moldovan
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Thank you for your request, which was received on 14 September, for the following
Could you please provide me data on median/mean income for Dalston? In addition, I
would like to request data on percentile points of the income distribution for Dalston for
the most recent tax year.”
I can confirm HMRC holds information that falls within the scope of your request. However,
we estimate that it would exceed the FOIA cost limit to deal with it. The cost limit, which is
specified in regulations, equates to one person spending 3½ working days locating and
extracting all of the information within scope of the request.
There are actually two places in the UK called Dalston; a district of Hackney in east London
and a large village/civil parish within the Carlisle district of Cumbria. We would normally ask
for clarification from you to confirm which you would like information for.
However, in this instance we do not publish information for either Dalston within our regular
National Statistics series from the Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI). The SPI is a
representative sample of individuals from HMRC’s Paye As You Earn (PAYE) and Self
Assessment (SA) systems. As a sample, analysis at very low levels of geography is not
possible. Even if postcodes for Dalston were supplied, it is unlikely that the SPI would be
suitable for this request because estimates for Dalston would be based on particularly small
numbers of taxpayers. We would then need to suppress values in order to protect the
confidentiality of individuals’ information.
We do publish sub-regional analysis in tables 3.12-3.15 which can be accessed via the
following link:
Both Carlisle and Hackney are shown in these tables, which may be of interest to you.
Since the SPI cannot provide the information requested, even if you confirmed which
Dalston you were referring to, it would be necessary to decide how individuals from that area
should be identified. It would then be necessary to develop a bespoke query to run against
HMRC’s PAYE and SA business systems in order to produce the information you have
Information is available in large print, audio and Braille formats.
Text Relay service prefix number – 18001
We estimate that the time required to complete this task would exceed the cost limit by some
way. Consequently, under section 12(1) of the FOIA, HMRC is not obliged to comply with
your request and we will not be processing it further.
Normally, HMRC would explore with you how you might be able to narrow or refine your
request so that it did not exceed the FOIA cost limit. However, in this case, we cannot see
any scope for doing this.
For more information about the SPI, please refer to the following Personal Incomes Statistics
If you are not satisfied with this reply you may request a review within two months by
emailing, or by writing to the address at the top right-hand side
of this letter.
If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review, you can complain to the
Information Commissioner’s Office. The following link explains how to do this:
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team