Income and expenditure for Stratfield Brake for current financial year

Daniel Wright made this Freedom of Information request to Cherwell District Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Cherwell District Council,

Please could you supply me with the income and expenditue in the current financial year to date, for the facility know as Stratfield Brake which you manage on behalf of Kidlington Parish Council. I am happy to have this as a spreadsheet or hard copy.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Wright

Dear Cherwell District Council,
I put in a freedom of information request for you to provide me with the income and expenditure for Stratfield Brake for the current financial year.
I understand by law you should normally have responded promptly and certainly by the 28th April 2023.
Please let me know by return if you intend or not to respond to my request, before I refer your lack of response to the information commissioner.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Wright

FOI & EIR REQUESTS, Cherwell District Council

Dear Daniel Wright,

Please accept our apology for the delay in providing a response to your request.

We are currently working on providing you with a response soonest.

Yours sincerely,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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FOI & EIR REQUESTS, Cherwell District Council

1 Attachment

Dear Daniel Wright,
Please find attached response to your recent request for information.
Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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Thank you for your reply, I would be grateful now if you would now provide the detail behind the two totals. for the year April 2022 to March 2023. Could you provide them in the same format as you provided Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council (GWEPC) related to the April 2022 to March 2023 year.
You provided GWEPC a spreadsheet which had the following detail. CostC/Cost (T)/Account/Acount (T)/ Amount with the detailed figures under each of those headings, with totals for expenditure and income and loss at the bottom of the spreadsheet. If you are in any doubt about the details I am requesting, please ask me to forward you the document you provided to GWEPC and I will do so.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Wright

Freedom of Information, Cherwell District Council

Dear Daniel Wright,

Re: Freedom of Information request

Thank you for contacting us on 8 June 2023 requesting information in your email below.

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be answered within 20 working days.

We aim to respond to your request by 6 July 2023.

If you have any questions on the status of your request, please contact Information Governance at [email address] .

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Yours sincerely,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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Freedom of Information, Cherwell District Council

Dear Daniel Wright,

Further to the above matter, we sincerely apologise for the further delay in responding to your request.

We understand that meeting compliance targets is of utmost importance, and we regret any inconvenience caused. Due to unforeseen changes in workload and staffing, we have encountered certain challenges in providing a timely response.

However, we assure you that we are actively working towards overcoming these challenges and providing a response to you at the earliest. We anticipate that we will be able to provide you with a response by 28 September 2023.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Adeleke Jayeola
Information Governance Officer (Locum)
Cherwell District Council

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Freedom of Information, Cherwell District Council

2 Attachments

Dear Daniel,


Freedom of Information request | Reference: FOI796776


Thank you for your request for information received on 08 June 2023.


Further to the above matter, we sincerely apologise for the delayed
response and advising of an alternative response date sooner.


I am writing to confirm that the Council has now completed its search for
the information which you requested. Please see attached the Council’s
response for your reference.


If you have any queries, please do let us know.


Kind Regards,


Vanessa Wilson | LLB Hons

Legal Services Paralegal

Cherwell District Council

DD: 01295 221546


Please note my working hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm


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