I would appreciate if you can provide information on the number of in-year admissions and the prior school a pupil came from for in-year admissions for...
I would appreciate if you can provide information on the number of in-year admissions and the prior school a pupil came from for in-year admissions for...
Good afternoon,
Please see attached response
Kind regards
Tracey Gilkes
FOI / DP Admin
Northamptonshire County Council
I would appreciate if you can provide the numbers of in year admissions per school year per school for each of the past 3 years.
For example
Dear Mr Kieran
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find below the College’s response to your questions.
I'm writing to r...
Please see the attached letter and documents.
Best wishes
Suzanne Murfitt
Executive Assistant to Hannah Woodhouse, Regional Schools Commi...
Dear Cllr Stanton
This is email three of three. Please find attached documents referred to
in my earlier reply.
Kind regards
Information request
Our reference: 3097121
Dear R Tozer
Thank yo...
Our reference: 18439 EIR
Dear Mr Parnham
Thank you for your request of 24 June 2021. Please accept our apologies
for the delay in res...
Dear Mr Hill
Please find attached as requested copies of the Governors' minutes for the
years 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Chris Jones
Clerk to Go...
Dear Mr/Ms .,
Thank you for your email dated 13 May 2010 about Edubase Queries.
I have attached the GCSE Achievement and Attainment Tables excel
You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 27/02/2019
Your request number is CRN00215279
Our reply to your request is:
Thank you for your i...
Dear Mr Roberts
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 11 Jun...
Dear Mr Roberts
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 17 June...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
This e-mail (and any...
FAO J Sampson
I am responding to your recent request for copies of approved minutes of
full governing body meetings for 2020 to 2022 to date on behal...
Dear David Roberts
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 26 A...
Good morning Mr Male
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
The zipped attachment contains 80 pdf documents.
Imran - as promised in my separate email - here is the file
The old style points score of 8 for an A*, 7 for an A etc was last
published in 2003 an...
Dear Mr Whitehouse,
Your Freedom of Information request has now been considered and our
response is attached.
Yours sincerely,
Good morning,
Please see attached response
Kind regards
Tracey Gilkes
FOI / DP Admin
Northamptonshire County Council
ONE An...
Dear Mr Farnet
Please find attached a series of Word documents containing the analysis
that you asked for as Word Tables. These can readily be cop...
Dear Mr Warner and Mr Wright
Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 10th November 2015 for examination results I attach a range of docum...
Dear James
Please find attached a response to your query.
Best wishes
Good morning
Please find attached the requested documents. Could you please confirm receipt of these so we can close this request.
Kind regards