Requests similar to 'In year admissions'

Secondary school in year admissions
Request sent to Oxfordshire County Council by James Halinson on .

Information not held

I would appreciate if you can provide the numbers of in year admissions per school year per school for each of the past 3 years. For example Oxford...
Link: [1]File-List Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information  1314-03-665   Thank you for your recent request for information...
Dear Ms Davidson Further to your initial request from 11th October, please find attached minutes from our Governing Board meetings for the last acade...
Dear Ms Davidson Further to your initial request from 11th October, please find attached minutes from our Governing Board meetings for the last acade...
Secondary School Admissions
Response by West Sussex County Council to Louis on .


Dear Louis Hodge   I refer to your request dated 27 February 2019, which has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.   Your...
Dear Mrs E A Pearce Please find attached, as requested, the Governors minutes and Agenda for the Premises and Health and Safety Committees as well a...
Dear Sir   Please find attached final response from the Department for Education regarding your  Freedom of Information Request.    Regards   S...
TMB Minutes and Papers
Response by Longsands Academy, St Neots to J Boyle on .

Partially successful

Mr Boyle In response to your request received by us on 26^th June 2019, for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, regarding Longsan...
Meeting Minutes
Response by Budehaven Community School (Cornwall) to Lucy Wilson on .


Good morning Lucy I do apologise - I thought they had been put up. Please see attached and I'll email our reprographics department to ensure they ar...
Dear Mr Brooks Please find attached response to FOI 4011. Yours sincerely David Laux Head of Technical Services Local Services Northumberland Co...
BNP Teachers
Response by Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council to Mark Walker on .


Dear Mark Walker, RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST With regard to your Freedom of Information Request, Oldham Council are happy to supply th...
Home education statistics
Response by Bridgend County Borough Council to Jack Rogers on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sir/Madam   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST X04-304   We refer to your email dated 12 June 2018 which contained a request for information...
I. BUPT-QMUL JOINT PROGRAMME II. STUDENT STAFF LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING (YEAR 1)  Dates: 15 April 2013  Attendance and Absence: Staff name Posit...
Dear Sir/Madam I refer to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and to your email to this service dated 06/08/218. In accordance with the Freedom of In...
Dear Mr Luke, Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Information request We have now considered your informati...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Dear Aodhán, This is the other zip file. Regards, Rachael Dear Aodhán, With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of Informat...
List of FOI Requests
Response by Ministry of Defence to Kacey Montagu on .


Dear Ms Montagu,   Apologies for the delay in providing you with a response to your Freedom of Information request.   Please find attached our...
In year admissions query
Request sent to The Cherwell School, Oxford by James Halinson on .

Long overdue

I would appreciate if you can provide information on the number of in-year admissions and the prior school a pupil came from for in-year admissions for...
Our reference: 17669 FOI   Dear Mr Tibilder,   Thank you for your request of 16^th December 2020 in which you asked for the following informat...
  Dear Mr Icso,                  Please find attached the response to your request for information, reference RFI20141893.       Yours s...
Closure of Acer Ward Huntingdon
Response by Cambridgeshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) to M. Houlebecque on .

Partially successful

Attachments (4)   Dear Mr Houlebecque   Attached is a response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards Karon  ...
Dear Mr Woodhouse,,   Please find attached the department's response to your FOI regarding school places in Richmond Upon Thames.    Yours sin...
Dear Mr Elibank, Thank you for your email of 21 April 2010 asking for the broad basis on which we applied the Section 36(2)(c) exemption. On this o...
Dear Mr Murphy I write in response to your recent Freedom of Information request to Sheffield University.  Please see the attached for the informatio...