In the past two months, information on the use of non-corporate communication channels
Dear Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities,
In the past two months,
1) How many requests have been fulfilled, in whole or in part, by information held on non-corporate communication channels?
2) On how many occasions, or with what frequency, have staff searched non-corporate communication channels for information in relation to a Freedom of Information request?
Yours faithfully,
George Simpson
Dear George Simpson,
Thank you for your Information Request of 27 June 2024 requesting:
Dear Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities,
In the past two months,
1) How many requests have been fulfilled, in whole or in part, by
information held on non-corporate communication channels?
2) On how many occasions, or with what frequency, have staff searched
non-corporate communication channels for information in relation to a
Freedom of Information request?
We will aim to send you a response by 26th July.
If you have any questions, please ask by return email. Please leave the
subject line unchanged when replying, to make sure your email gets
straight to us.
Yours sincerely,
Dear George Simpson,
Thank you for your Information Request of 27 June 2024 requesting:
Dear Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities,
In the past two months,
1) How many requests have been fulfilled, in whole or in part, by
information held on non-corporate communication channels?
2) On how many occasions, or with what frequency, have staff searched
non-corporate communication channels for information in relation to a
Freedom of Information request?
Please find attached our formal response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
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