We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are daniel please sign in and let everyone know.

In Regards To Council Tax

We're waiting for daniel to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Nottingham City Council,

My name is Daniel, I have been unemployed and can only claim JSA that pays my NI stamp, and unable to get help with Council tax or rent because my partner works full time. I have been doing research in how to cut any general living costs in order to save money.

So i have come across some very vital information. Thats states that Council Tax comes under The Local Government 'act' 1992.

And as this comes under an 'act' if for arguments sake i was not to pay my council tax any more you would not be able to enforce me to pay any council tax in any way shape or form? UNLESS i actually have a signed agreement with you?

So to my knowledge i have never signed an agreement with Nottingham City Council so therefore i am not required to pay council tax by law.

And when i say by law what i mean is i would not be committing a criminal offence by not paying. So i would therefore it would intact be illegal to summons me into a criminal court (Which if you did so i would be entitled to see evidence of my agreement with Nottingham City Council) and i would be able to see evidence on which criminal law this would come under (BEARING IN MIND I DO NOT HAVE A SIGNED AGREEMENT WITH NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL)

Also this would not be enforceable within a county court as again there would be no signed agreement between myself you Nottingham City Council.

As the payment of council tax comes under an 'act' it is therefore Statute.

I would like to to confirm or deny what i have written to ask.

Yours faithfully,


Information Governance, Nottingham City Council

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your enquiry.


Initially, please note that the Freedom of Information Act requires that
you provide your real name before a request can be considered to be a
valid one under the legislation and a public authority is handle it as
such. It is expected that this would be your full i.e. first name and
surname, name.


In light of the above and guidance from the Information Commissioner's
Office, we would ask you to supply your real name when submitting a


Further, your enquiry consists of a request for an opinion on your view of
the legislation. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides for a right
of access to information held by a public authority at the time a request
is made, it does not require that new information is generated in response
to a request. We have determined that your question is a request for an
opinion not formed at the time your enquiry was received and as such, and
in accordance with section 1 of this Act, this information cannot be
provided as it is not held by this authority.


I would, however, strongly advise that if you wish to challenge the legal
basis of the Council Tax, that you seek your own independent legal advice.


I trust this is of some use.




Andrew Goodfellow-Swaap

Senior Information Officer

Tel: 0115 87 63855

Information Governance | Nottingham City Council | Loxley House | Station
Street | Nottingham | NG3 2NG


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Dear Information Governance,

I did use my real name. And if i am 'legally' required to give my surname then why and how have i submitted requests in the past. So if i am getting this correct, You are saying that and i quote to whichever companies have given me a request of information have actually broken the 'law' ?

or is it that you are incompetent and just do not wants to answer my questions?

I do not give my surname because i do not have a surname, the name on my birth certificate is just a legal fiction.

Yours sincerely,


Information Governance, Nottingham City Council

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response.

To advise, I would respectfully draw your attention to the paragraph commencing "Further..." in our initial response to you.


Andrew Goodfellow-Swaap
Senior Information Officer
Tel: 0115 87 63855
Information Governance | Nottingham City Council | Loxley House | Station Street | Nottingham | NG3 2NG

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are daniel please sign in and let everyone know.