Dear Sir or Madam,
The DCSF have just released a list of the 25 LA's who took part in the in depth questionnaire which followed on form the 60 questionnaire for the Review of Elective Home Education.
Cheshire apparently answered but it is unclear now whether FOI requests should go to East or West Cheshire since the split.
I am asking both LA's just in case.
Therefore please supply the responses given by this LA to the in depth questionnaire.
Also it has been noted that Cheshire has 8 open cases of possible abuse /neglect in the EHE population.(full figures cna be found for all 152 LA's here-
Can it now be confirmed whether these 8 cases were founded and substantiated or whether these cases were opened but after an initial involvement , social services found there was no case to follow up.
Yours faithfully,
Tania Berlow
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.
Dear Ms Berlow
Thank you for your email.
It will be treated as a request within the meaning of the Act: this means that we will send you a full response within 20 working days, either supplying you with the information which you want, or explaining to you why we cannot supply it. If we need any further clarification or there is any problem we will be in touch.
In the meantime if you wish to discuss this further please contact me. It would be helpful if you could quote the log number 800299
Yours sincerely
Rose Raine
Information and Record Management Officer
Cheshire East Council
Tel 01270 529668
Dear Ms Berlow
In response to your request for information concerning Elective Home Education please find attached a copy of Cheshire County Council's submission to the DCSF as requested.
I can also confirm that the eight cases which were reported to be open have since been closed.
Should you have any queries on the content of this message please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Rose Raine
Information and Record Management Officer
Cheshire East Council
Tel 01270 529668
Dear FOI East,
this is not the correct questionnaire. This is actually the initial longer first questionnaire for the Badman Review and I am looking for the in depth follow on which had fewer questions and asked for exact figures. please supply this. I now have 2 copies of the initial and none of the follow on.
Yours sincerely,
Tania Berlow
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Cheshire East Council's handling of my FOI request 'IN DEPTH QUESTIONNAIRE- REVIEW OF ELECTIVE HOME EDUCATION'.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Tania Berlow
Dear Ms Berlow
Re FOI Log Number 800299
Please clarify what follow on questionnaire you are referring to.
It would be helpful if you could quote the log number in your response to help keep track of your requests.
Thank you.
Julie Gibbs
Information Officer
Cheshire East Council
Tel: 01270 529644
Dear Ms Berlow
Re FOI Log number 800299
I would be grateful if you would make contact direct with this office to discuss your request for an internal review. Please telephone me on the number below.
Thank you.
Julie Gibbs
Information Officer
Cheshire East Council
Tel: 01270 529644
Dear Ms Berlow
Further to your request I apologise for having sent the same questionnaire twice, however, on investigation it transpires the Council did not complete the second in-depth questionnaire to which you refer. Though the DCSF did have discussions with officers of the Council no formal response was submitted.
If you wish to discuss this matter further please feel free to contact me on the number below.
Yours sincerely
Rose Raine
Information and Record Management Officer
Cheshire East Council
Tel 01270 529668
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