In 1993 Parliament debated womens pension age at what stage did they decide to alter the 'gradual' increase over 10 years to 4 years?

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority,
In 1993 Parliament debated womens pension age at what stage did they decide to alter the 'gradual' increase over 10 years to 4 years?

The debate clearly outlines the 10 year phasing in of the increase to women's pension age, when did they debate reducing the phasing in to just 4 years?

Did parliament debate this?
Please forward a copy of transript
Did parliament vote on the act being phased in over 10 years or 4 years?

Yours faithfully,

Trudy Baddams

FOI, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Dear Trudy,


Thank you for your email.


IPSA is responsible for paying the salaries of MPs and their staff, and
for administering and regulating the system of business costs and expenses
available to MPs.


I’m afraid we don’t hold information on parliamentary debates. However,
all debates are recorded in Hansard, which you can view online at:
[1] If you have any further questions, the
House of Commons Enquiry Service may be able to assist:


Kind regards,


Chris Veck

Policy & FOI Adviser


Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)

4th Floor

30 Millbank

London, SW1P 4DU


Tel: 020 7811 6400

Email: [3][IPSA request email]


Follow us on Twitter: [5]@ipsauk


Year-end is 31 March. The year-end process is vital for ensuring that your
costs are allocated to the correct financial year. You can access guidance
at: [6]




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Dear Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
Its a simple question and has nothing to do with the response I was given

I am writing to request an internal review of Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's handling of my FOI request 'In 1993 Parliament debated womens pension age at what stage did they decide to alter the 'gradual' increase over 10 years to 4 years?'.


A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Trudy Baddams

FOI, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Dear Trudy,


Thank you for your email.


We are only responsible for administering MPs’ business costs, expenses
and salaries – I’m afraid we don’t hold the information that you are
seeking. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may be able to help:


If you would still like us to conduct an internal review to confirm that
we do not hold this information, please do let me know.


Kind regards,


Chris Veck

Policy & FOI Adviser


Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)

4th Floor

30 Millbank

London, SW1P 4DU


Tel: 020 7811 6400

Email: [2][IPSA request email]


Follow us on Twitter: [4]@ipsauk




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Dear FOI,
you are not answering the question " In 1993 Parliament debated womens pension age at what stage did they decide to alter the 'gradual' increase over 10 years to 4 years?."
your response is "We are only responsible for administering MPs’ business costs, expenses
and salaries" nothing to do with the question

Yours sincerely,

Trudy Baddams

FOI, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Dear Trudy,

Thank you for your email.

As stated in my previous email, we are not able to answer your question because we do not hold information relating to parliamentary debates. Further, IPSA was established in May 2010 and we do not hold any information prior to this date.

If you have any questions relating to MPs' business costs, expenses or salaries since May 2010 then we may be able to assist. If you are seeking information on pension ages, the Department for Work and Pensions should be able to help you:

Kind regards,

Chris Veck
Policy & FOI Adviser

Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)
4th Floor
30 Millbank
London, SW1P 4DU

Tel: 020 7811 6400
Email: [IPSA request email]
Follow us on Twitter: @ipsauk

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Dear FOI,

I am awaiting a response

Yours sincerely,

Trudy Baddams

FOI, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

Dear Trudy,


Thank you for your email.


Please could you clarify what it is that you are awaiting a response to?


As per my previous three emails, we do not hold information relating to
parliamentary debates, nor anything which predates our creation in May
2010. If you have any questions relating to MPs' business costs, expenses
or salaries since May 2010 then we may be able to assist.


Please let me know if I can be of any assistance on these matters.


Kind regards,


Chris Veck

Policy & FOI Adviser


Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)

4th Floor

30 Millbank

London, SW1P 4DU


Tel: 020 7811 6400

Email: [1][IPSA request email]


Follow us on Twitter: [3]@ipsauk


We are launching IPSA Online, a new payroll, HR, finance and expenses
system, this summer. [4]Find out more here.


Sign up for an IPSA Online classroom training sessions taking place
in [5]London and [6]across the country. 


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