
The request was successful.

Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,

On the 14 August 2013 PCC Sue Mountstevens wrote a letter to Rt Hon
Damian Green MP Minister of State for Policing and Criminal Justice
in which she stated;

"Avon & Somerset Constabulary currently have (as at end of May
2013) 482 pensioners in receipt of an IoD enhancement"
" The annual cost of these IoD’s to the force is in excess of £5.5m (2% of our annual budget)."

Please provide a breakdown of all 482 pensioners in receipt of an
"IoD enhancement"to include;

1) The injury banding they were placed in,

2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at the time and since.

3) The cost of these pensioners as quoted by PCC Mountstevens is £5.5 m annually to the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Please explain how this figure is calculated and arrived at.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Mee

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary



Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667


Private Our Reference 1089 /14

Nigel Mee

[1][FOI #232774 email] Your reference  

Date 6^th October



Dear Mr. Mee,


I write in connection with your request for information dated 3^rd October
2014  concerning Injuries on Duty. This request will be dealt with under
the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act. In some
circumstances Avon and Somerset Constabulary may be unable to achieve this
deadline if consideration needs to be given to the public interest test.
If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at
the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely,


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department


Please note;

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.



show quoted sections

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667






Private Our Reference 1089/14

Nigel Mee Your reference  

[FOI #232774 email] Date 27 October 2014




Dear Mr Mee


I write in connection with your refined request for information dated 4^th
October concerning pensioners in receipt of IoD enhancement.


Specifically you asked:” On the 14 August 2013 PCC Sue Mountstevens wrote
a letter to Rt Hon Damian Green MP Minister of State for Policing and
Criminal Justice in which she stated; "Avon & Somerset Constabulary
currently have (as at end of May

2013) 482 pensioners in receipt of an IoD enhancement"

And " The annual cost of these IoD’s to the force is in excess of £5.5m
(2% of our annual budget)."


“Please provide a breakdown of all 482 pensioners in receipt of an "IoD
enhancement"to include;

1) The injury banding they were placed in,

2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at
the time and since.

3) The cost of these pensioners as quoted by PCC Mountstevens is £5.5 m
annually to the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Please explain how this
figure is calculated and arrived at.”


Please note, that in order to provide the information requested, the
report identifying pensioners in receipt of an IoD enhancement has been
rerun for the period September 2013 – August 2014. This updated report
identified 493 pensioners (both officers and staff), 490 of which continue
to receive enhanced pensions as at 31^st August 2014.  Their injury
banding for the majority of the individuals is provided below, the band
for the remaining individuals are not recorded by the constabulary:

Injury Banding Number of pensioners
1 38
2 71
3 133
4 139
Not Recorded 109
Total 490


No reviews have taken place since May 2013, but we are currently arranging
medical assessments of a small group of former officers. The total cost
for the period September 2013 – August 2014 was £5,715,341 (relating to
493 pensioners).



Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy



show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,
Thank you for your response regarding this request however I wish to point out that you appear to have only partially answered my questions;

Q2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at the time and since.
Answer :You have only stated "No reviews have taken place since May 2013" which was not what was asked of you.

Q3) The cost of these pensioners as quoted by PCC Mountstevens is £5.5 m annually to the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Please explain how this figure is calculated and arrived at?
Answer: The total cost for the period September 2013 – August 2014 was £5,715,341 (relating to 493 pensioners).This is a re-statement of what was already known. You are no doubt aware that a pensioner retired as a result of injury is paid in the following elements;

a) Injury Pension
b)Injury Pension Pl
c)Medical Pension
d)Pensions Increase

The PCC has written to a Minister of the Crown about injury on duty pensions. She has given a total cost to the Constabulary. How is the total figure broken down as quiet clearly the injury pension element which she wishes to effect is only part of the cost.
Please answer this question , thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Mee

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary



Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667


Private Our Reference 1202 /14

Nigel Mee
Your reference  
[1][FOI #232774 email]

  Date 29.10.14



Dear Mr. Mee,


I write in connection with your request for information dated 29^th
October 2014  concerning pensioners in receipt of IoD enhancement.

This request will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act. In some
circumstances Avon and Somerset Constabulary may be unable to achieve this
deadline if consideration needs to be given to the public interest test.
If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at
the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely,


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department


Please note;

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.



show quoted sections

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667



Private Our Reference 1202/14
Your reference  
Nigel Mee Date 24^th November
[FOI #232774 email]


Dear Mr Mee


Thank you for your request which I have copied below. In order for us to
provide you with the information you require some clarification is


With regards to question 2: Q2) The reviews, if any, carried out under
the regulations applicable at the time and since.

Answer :You have only stated "No reviews have taken place since May 2013"
which was not what was asked of you.


Please can you clarify what particular information you are seeking. Your
question asks for details of any reviews carried out “at the time and
since”. Do you wish to know of any reviews since that injury pension
commenced and since?


I will be unable to continue to process your request until I have received
your clarification.


Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department






show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,
I reply to your request for clarification regarding my question;

"With regards to question 2: Q2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at the time and since."
and your question;
"Do you wish to know of any reviews since that injury pension
commenced and since?"

My answer is that the Constabulary have stated verbally and in writing that reviews could not be carried out due to a number of problems, such as changing legislation and other internal problems.

I am attempting to establish how many reviews have been carried out, in particular between 1995 and 2014 and in general of all injured former officers.

I have become aware that despite assurances to the contrary the Constabulary have conducted reviews of some former officers some of them more than once.

If you can only answer in the particular (1995-2014) then please do so and state why you cannot answer in the general.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Mee

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667






Private Our Reference 1202/14

Nigel Mee Your reference  

[FOI #232774 email] Date 26 November 2014




Dear Mr Mee


I write in connection with your request for information dated 29^th
October concerning your previous response.


Specifically you asked: “Thank you for your response regarding this
request however I wish to point out that you appear to have only partially
answered my questions;


Q2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at
the time and since.

Answer :You have only stated "No reviews have taken place since May 2013"
which was not what was asked of you.

The Constabulary have stated verbally and in writing that reviews could
not be carried out due to a number of problems, such as changing
legislation and other internal problems.


I am attempting to establish how many reviews have been carried out, in
particular between 1995 and 2014 and in general of all injured former


I have become aware that despite assurances to the contrary the
Constabulary have conducted reviews of some former officers some of them
more than once.


If you can only answer in the particular (1995-2014) then please do so and
state why you cannot answer in the general.




Q3) The cost of these pensioners as quoted by PCC Mountstevens is £5.5 m
annually to the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Please explain how this
figure is calculated and arrived at?

Answer: The total cost for the period September 2013 – August 2014 was
£5,715,341 (relating to 493 pensioners).This is a re-statement of what was
already known. You are no doubt aware that a pensioner retired as a result
of injury is paid in the following elements;


a) Injury Pension

b)Injury Pension Pl

c)Medical Pension

d)Pensions Increase


The PCC has written to a Minister of the Crown about injury on duty
pensions. She has given a total cost to the Constabulary. How is the total
figure broken down as quiet clearly the injury pension element which she
wishes to effect is only part of the cost.

Please answer this question , thank you.”


Please find attached breakdown as requested.


Please note that Medical Pensions are not included in the data as this is
not an additional cost to the employer.


Wage Type Amount (£)
Injury Pension £4,086,298.33
Injury Pension (No
Tax) -£1,773.45
Injury Pension
Deduction -£324,030.30
Injury Pension
Deduction Pension
Increase -£165,491.23
Injury Pension Pension
Increase £2,120,337.32
Grand Total £5,715,340.67


With regards to question 2 the retrieval of this information requires a
manual review of files, this is currently being worked on but I am advised
will at least take the rest of the day, therefore it is with regret that I
inform you that this part of your question cannot be answered at this
time. I hope to be able to provide you with this information tomorrow.




Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website, some of which may contain a link to additional
information, which may provide you with further clarification.

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy





show quoted sections

Dear #Freedom of Information Requests,
Thank you for your response to date.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Mee

#Freedom of Information Requests, Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 Attachment

Corporate Information Management Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667






Private Our Reference 1202/14

Nigel Mee Your reference  

[FOI #232774 email] Date 28 November 2014




Dear Mr Mee


I write in connection with your request for information dated 29^th
October concerning your previous response. Further to my letter dated
26.11.14 please find the remainder of the information regarding question
2. Thank you for your patience.


Specifically you asked: “Thank you for your response regarding this
request however I wish to point out that you appear to have only partially
answered my questions;


Q2) The reviews, if any, carried out under the regulations applicable at
the time and since.

Answer :You have only stated "No reviews have taken place since May 2013"

which was not what was asked of you.

The Constabulary have stated verbally and in writing that reviews could
not be carried out due to a number of problems, such as changing
legislation and other internal problems.


I am attempting to establish how many reviews have been carried out, in
particular between 1995 and 2014 and in general of all injured former


I have become aware that despite assurances to the contrary the
Constabulary have conducted reviews of some former officers some of them
more than once.


If you can only answer in the particular (1995-2014) then please do so and
state why you cannot answer in the general.


With regards to question 2 the retrieval of this information has now been
completed and our records indicate that 388 such reviews have taken place.
Please find a breakdown of the years the reviews were carried out below:


Year Reviews
1991 2
1992 4
1993 6
1994 11
1995 13
1996 28
1997 49
1998 55
1999 42
2000 54
2001 42
2002 47
2003 1
2004 10
2005 3
2006 15
2007 5
2008 1



Yours sincerely


C Quartey


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Information Management Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website, some of which may contain a link to additional
information, which may provide you with further clarification.

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy




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