Implementation costs and timescales
Dear Greenwich Borough Council,
Are you currently implementing a new Children’s Social Care Case Management Software – Yes/No
If yes you are implementing a system then please provide what Children’s Social Care Case Management Software are you implementing and when is the planned go-live date of all functionality as per the tender?
Is this the same with the dates on the tender documents? If not what is the difference
Have there been any additional costs outside the original contract for the implementation? If yes, please specify
If No you are not currently implementing a Children’s Social Care Case Management Software, with regard to the last system you implemented how long in months from contract award date did the software to go live and the previous case management to be switched off?
Yours faithfully,
Hywel Martin
Dear Mr Martin
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-9199
Thank you for your request dated 08 November 2017
Your request will be answered by 06 December 2017
If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8921 5044
Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
Dear Mr Martin
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-9199*
Thank you for your request dated 08 November 2017
Our response is as follows:
Are you currently implementing a new Children’s Social Care Case Management Software – Yes/No:
If yes you are implementing a system then please provide what Children’s Social Care Case Management Software are you implementing and when is the planned go-live date of all functionality as per the tender?
Is this the same with the dates on the tender documents? If not what is the difference Have there been any additional costs outside the original contract for the implementation? If yes, please specify
If No you are not currently implementing a Children’s Social Care Case Management Software, with regard to the last system you implemented how long in months from contract award date did the software to go live and the previous case management to be switched off?
Information not held.
If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask for an Internal Review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request. If you wish to do this, please contact us, setting out why you are dissatisfied.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO by emailing [email address], or by post at Customer Contact, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8921 5044
Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
Dear Greenwich Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Greenwich Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Implementation costs and timescales'.
I requested the timescale from the contract award date to go live date and the previous case management system to be switched off. Instead I was provided with a vague comment about the information not being held. Other councils have answered very similar queries without the world exploding.
With regard to the last system you implemented, please provide these exact dates:
1. The exact date on which you signed the contract for the new system.
2. The exact Go-Live date by the winning supplier specified in the tender.
3. The exact Go-Live date by the winning supplier in their proposal.
4. The exact date the system went live across all services.
5. The exact date when the legacy system was switched off or you stopped paying maintenance for the system.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Hywel Martin
Dear Mr Martin
Freedom of Information request Internal Review: FOI-IR-9199
Thank you for your request for an Internal Review regarding our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be answered within twenty working days.
If you have any queries, please contact me, quoting the reference number.
If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you can apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8921 5044
Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
Dear Mr Martin,
Further to our acknowledgment today, it has come to our attention that your request for an Internal Review is outside of the two month submission deadline as outlined in the response we sent to you on November 8, 2017.
We are therefore to going treat your request for information as a new request with the following reference number FOI-12416, dated March 7, 2018
Your request will be answered by April 6, 2018
If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8921 5044
Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
Dear Mr Martin
Freedom of Information request: FOI-12416
Thank you for your request dated 07 March 2018
Our response is as follows:
With regard to the last system you implemented, please provide these exact dates:
1. The exact date on which you signed the contract for the new system. 1st May 2001.
2. The exact Go-Live date by the winning supplier specified in the tender. Information not held.
3. The exact Go-Live date by the winning supplier in their proposal. Information not held.
4. The exact date the system went live across all services. This information is not held. The first record on the system was created on 22nd June 2001.
5. The exact date when the legacy system was switched off or you stopped paying maintenance for the system. Information not held.
If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask for an Internal Review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request. If you wish to do this, please contact us, setting out why you are dissatisfied.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO by emailing [email address], or by post at Customer Contact, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8921 5044
Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW
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