Impact of proposed home education legislation

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

In the wake of Graham Badman’s review of Elective Home Education, the Government is planning to introduce legislation to register, monitor and support home educated children.

It is clear that this legislation will have financial and staffing impacts upon local authorities and yet the Government has made it equally clear that no extra funding will be made available to local councils to fulfil their new responsibilities.

In the light of the expected impact of this proposed legislation:

(a) Has it been formally discussed by the committees of elected councillors responsible for education, children’s social care, finance or any other relevant department?

(b) Has it been formally discussed by the officers responsible for education, children’s social care, finance or any other relevant department?

(c) Have the committees responsible for education, children’s social care, finance or any other relevant department taken part in the Government consultation into the proposed legislation, which ends on 19 October 2009?

(d) Have the unelected local authority officers responsible for education, children’s social care, finance or any other relevant department taken part in the Government consultation into the proposed legislation, which ends on 19 October 2009?

(e) If the councillors or officers have not taken part in the consultation, are they planning to do so?

Yours faithfully,

C. Blades

Willoughby, James - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Dear C. Blades

Thank you for your email of 20 September in which you asked the following

In the wake of Graham Badman's review of Elective Home Education,
the Government is planning to introduce legislation to register,
monitor and support home educated children.

It is clear that this legislation will have financial and staffing
impacts upon local authorities and yet the Government has made it
equally clear that no extra funding will be made available to local
councils to fulfil their new responsibilities.

In the light of the expected impact of this proposed legislation:

(a) Has it been formally discussed by the committees of elected
councillors responsible for education, children's social care,
finance or any other relevant department?

(b) Has it been formally discussed by the officers responsible for
education, children's social care, finance or any other relevant

(c) Have the committees responsible for education, children's
social care, finance or any other relevant department taken part in
the Government consultation into the proposed legislation, which
ends on 19 October 2009?

(d) Have the unelected local authority officers responsible for
education, children's social care, finance or any other relevant
department taken part in the Government consultation into the
proposed legislation, which ends on 19 October 2009?

(e) If the councillors or officers have not taken part in the
consultation, are they planning to do so?

Please note that as these are questions and not a request for recorded
information the council holds, your query is not being dealt with as a
request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Your questions have been passed on to the relevant department to respond
to and they will contact you directly.

Yours sincerely,

James Willoughby
Complaints and FOI Manager
Oxfordshire County Council
Legal and Democratic Services
Complaints and Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 810584
Fax: 01865 247805
E-mail: [email address] (direct)
E-mail: [1][Oxfordshire County Council request email] (for FOI requests) or:
[2][email address] (for complaints)
Internet: [3]

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If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
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Thompson, Rennie - CYP&F - Children & Young People, Oxfordshire County Council

Link: [1]File-List

Dear C Blades,

I have received you request for information regarding Graham Badman's
review of Elective Home Education and its implications. Please find
responses following each of your questions below.


(a) Has it been formally discussed by the committees of elected

councillors responsible for education, children's social care,

finance or any other relevant department?

This matter has been raised with the Oxfordshire Children's Trust Board,
chaired by the cabinet member for Children, Young People and Families and
with representation from a wide range including the County Council, the
District Council, the Primary Care Trust, FE colleges, Thames Valley
Police, Voluntary organisations and more.

(b) Has it been formally discussed by the officers responsible for

education, children's social care, finance or any other relevant


This matter has been discussed by officers responsible for education, for
safeguarding children and for budget.

(c) Have the committees responsible for education, children's

social care, finance or any other relevant department taken part in

the Government consultation into the proposed legislation, which

ends on 19 October 2009?

(d) Have the unelected local authority officers responsible for

education, children's social care, finance or any other relevant

department taken part in the Government consultation into the

proposed legislation, which ends on 19 October 2009?

Elective Home Education is managed within the Children Young People and
Families Directorate. The collation of the consultation response on behalf
of Oxfordshire County Council was delegated to an officer within the
Children, Young People and Families Directorate. Committees responsible
for education, children's social care and finance were not involved
directly in the first consultation response. Officers responsible for
education, for safeguarding children and with responsibility for budget
contributed to the consultation. The response was approved within the
directorate and submitted to the DCSF.

(e) If the councillors or officers have not taken part in the

consultation, are they planning to do so?

Further information is to be presented to councillors and to the
Oxfordshire Children's Trust Board on developments of this review in the
light of the recent publication of the DCSF response to the Badman Review.

Yours sincerely,

Rennie Thompson

Rennie Thompson

Service Manager, Social Inclusion

Monitoring and Tracking

Oxfordshire County Council

Children & Young People's Service

Children, Young People & Families Directorate

Macclesfield House

New Road



Tel: 01865 810545

Fax: 01865 816279

Email: [email address]

This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01CA50CA.B5EDD900

Dear Ms Thompson,

Thank you for your helpful response to my request for information.

Yours sincerely,

C. Blades