Immunity from any faults

Ministry of Defence did not have the information requested.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Did MOD have any agreements/contracts with vaccine suppliers MerieuxUK or Wellcome (Now GSK) or the NHS that procured the vaccines on MOD behalf? in reference to immunity to any injury that their vaccines may cause in the Gulf War 1991. Pertussis vaccines.

Also what was the reason MOD had the NHS purchase these vaccines? We can't find any evidence of this happening before or post Gulf War 91. It seems very strange. More corruption/malfeasance maybe?

Tia for the data that answers these questions. Or is it simply more data lost by MOD following their own internal investigation on themselves. Lessons learned. Stop losing data .

Sure makes for good comedy reading if so 😊


Gavin Roberts

SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

2 Attachments

Dear Gavin,


Please see the attached.





Headquarters Defence Medical Services

Defence Medical Services Whittington






Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

Thankyou for your response, please do not worry about further data not available. With 3 gov whistleblowers on board now. Any Judge is going to have an easy day in Court, prior to throwing the book at MOD. We can only take the horse to water. Those are prepared to cover up others corruption are just as bad as those that have gone before them. Have a good day now

Kind Regards,

gavin roberts