Illegal Eviction Policy

The request was successful.

Dear Isle of Anglesey Council,

Due to the lack of clarification from the council thus far on the matters of Illegal Eviction policies I would like the below answered :

"If you have been the victim of illegal harassment or illegal eviction by a landlord, the Council is obliged to investigate and prosecute the matter. If you have suffered illegal eviction and harassment you should contact the Housing Options Team in Anglesey Council - Housing Options: 01248 752 118. Ask for Housing Options Team."

1. Is the policy still in force on the page including the quoted paragraph?
2. What is the policy on the investigation process from start to finish?
3. If the policy is no longer in force, when was it ceased / changed?
4. Why was it changed - if applicable?
5. What is the new amended policy if this has occurred - if applicable?
6. How many complaints have been received since 2012 under the "Illegal Eviction" category?
7. Please separate the totals pre and post change of the above policy if applicable.

Yours faithfully,

J L Hunt

1 Attachment

Thank you for your recent request for information from the Isle of
Anglesey County Council.


In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, we aim to respond to your
request within 20 working days.   In some instances we may be unable to
achieve this deadline, in which case we will advise you of the likely
timescale within which the response will be provided.



Beryl Jones

Swyddog Gwybodaeth Corfforaethol a Chwynion – Adain Gyfreithiol,  Cyngor
Sir Ynys Môn

Corporate Information and Complaints  Officer-  Legal Section, Isle of
Anglesey County Council








show quoted sections

Dylan F. Appleton-Owen, Isle of Anglesey County Council

2 Attachments

Good Afternoon,

I refer to your request for the following information from Isle of
Anglesey County Council under the Freedom of Information Act dated 13^th
April 2018, and respond as follows:-


"If you have been the victim of illegal harassment or illegal eviction by
a landlord, the Council is obliged to investigate and prosecute the
matter. If you have suffered illegal eviction and harassment you should
contact the Housing Options Team in Anglesey Council - Housing Options:
01248 752 118. Ask for Housing Options Team."


1.    Is the policy still in force on the page including the quoted
paragraph? The above is a statement rather than a Policy.


2. What is the policy on the investigation process from start to finish?
There is no current structure to an investigation process. All cases are
given the consideration and merit they deserve in order to support the
Tenant and Landlord through the process. 


3. If the policy is no longer in force, when was it ceased / changed? N/A


4. Why was it changed - if applicable? N/A


5. What is the new amended policy if this has occurred - if applicable?


6. How many complaints have been received since 2012 under the "Illegal
Eviction" category?

The Following figures have been taken from the Annual Homelessness Return
that is submitted to the Welsh Assembly. They state the number of
individuals who have stated Illegal Eviction as their primary reason for
presenting as Homeless. The figures are only form April 2015 as the new
Homelessness Legislation became active from then:

2015-16 – 2

2016-17 – 4

2017/18 – 2


7. Please separate the totals pre and post change of the above policy if
applicable. N/A



If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this response to your request
for information, and / or the decision made to withhold information, you
may ask for an internal review.  Please address your correspondence to the
Customer Care Officer, Legal Services, Council Offices, Llangefni, Ynys
Môn LL77 7TW (E-mail: [1][email address]).


If you are not content with the outcome of any internal review you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.  Please note that the Information
Commissioner is likely to expect internal review procedures to have been
exhausted before beginning his investigation.



Dylan Fôn Appleton-Owen


Swyddog Gwybodaeth Rheoli a Pherfformiad Tai / Housing Performance &
Information Systems Officer

Gwasanaethau Tai / Housing Services

Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council


Ffôn/Phone: 01248 752297

Ebost/Email: [2][email address]




Croeso i chi ddelio gyda’r Cyngor yn y Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg.  Cewch yr un
safon o wasanaeth yn y ddwy iaith. / You are welcome to deal with the
Council in Welsh or English.  You will receive the same standard of
service in both languages.




A yw’r e-bost hwn wedi ei farcio’n ‘Swyddogol-Sensitif’? Os ydyw, rhaid i
chi ystyried a oes gennych hawl i’w ddyblygu, ei argraffu neu ai anfon
ymlaen. Os oes, sicrhewch os gwelwch yn dda fod yr e-bost ynghyd ag unrhyw
atodiadau’n cael eu marcio’n ‘Swyddogol-Sensitif’. Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw
sicrhau fod mesurau’n cael eu cymryd i ddiogelu, storio a chael gwared ar
y wybodaeth mewn modd priodol. Mae hyn yn golygu fod rhaid diogelu’r
wybodaeth gyda chyfrinair neu ei chadw mewn cwpwrdd ffeilio y mae modd ei
gloi. Rhaid cael gwared ar ddogfennau ‘Swyddogol-Sensitif’ yn y biniau
gwastraff y mae modd eu cloi. Os ydych yn ansicr ynghylch sut i ddefnyddio
gwybodaeth ‘Swyddogol-Sensitif’, yna cysylltwch os gwelwch yn dda gyda
[5][email address]

Croeso i chi ddelio gyda’r Cyngor yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg. Cewch yr un
safon o wasanaeth yn y ddwy iaith.

Has this e-mail been marked ‘Official-Sensitive’? If so you must consider
whether you have the right to duplicate, print or forward it on. If so
please ensure that the e-mail and any attachments are marked as
‘Official-Sensitive. It is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate
measures are taken to protect, store and dispose of this information
properly. This means that the information must be password protected or
kept in a lockable filing cabinet. ‘Official-Sensitive’ documents must be
disposed of in the lockable waste bins. If you are unsure about how to use
Official-Sensitive information please contact [6][email address]

You are welcome to deal with the Council in Welsh or English. You will
receive the same standard of service in both languages.


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