Illegal Detention by Social Worker

The request was refused by Conwy County Borough Council.

Donald Saunders

Dear Conwy County Borough Council,
An approved social worker who is based at Roslyn Community Mental Health Team by the name of [pesonal information removed] recently sectioned a woman in Colwyn Height on a section 2 of the mental health act.
The Social worker agreed with the section 2 being put in place, however there were apparently no beds available in the county or out of it, so the social worker instructed the sectioned ladies two friends to sit and watch her all night and not let her leave her house. This is a proven fact.
Following this and the families upset a second social worker by the name of [personal information removed], was sent around to calm the family down.
What I want to know for the request is...
Can the mental health act be used to keep someone in their own home under section two, and have two untrained friends who don't live there instructed to watch the patient overnight and not let her leave? Was this lawful?

Yours faithfully,

Donald Saunders

Uned Llyw-Gwyb / Info-Gov Unit, Conwy County Borough Council

Diolch am eich neges e-bost. Os ydych yn gofyn am fynediad at wybodaeth
dan delerau Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 cewch ymateb o fewn ugain
niwrnod gwaith.

Thank you for your email. If you are requesting access to information
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you will receive a
response within twenty working days.

show quoted sections

socialcarefoi, Conwy County Borough Council

Dear Mr Saunders,


Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 6/5/2018
where you asked the following question:


Can the mental health act be used to keep someone in their own home under
section two, and have two untrained friends who don't live there
instructed to watch the patient overnight and not let her leave? Was this

FOI is about access to officially recorded information, it is not about
eliciting views/opinions/interpretations of any particular legislation,
and to that extent you are advised that no information is held in relation
to the question asked.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of receipt of this response and
should be sent to the address below.


[1][Conwy Council request email]


Please ensure all correspondence is sent to this email address.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, or if you
are unhappy with this response you may appeal to the:


Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales

2nd Floor, Churchill House

Churchill Way


CF10 2HH


If you have a specific concern about the Social Care Department you may
wish to contact the [2]Care Inspectorate Wales who may be able to advise
you further.  Alternatively you can contact our Complaints Officer;
details are on our website [3]here.


Yours sincerely,


Vicky Owen

Rhyddid Gwybodaeth/Freedom of Information

Gwasanaethau Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Addysg/Social Care & Education Services

Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy County Borough Council

Adeiladau’r Llywodraeth/Government Buildings | Dinerth Road | Bae Colwyn
Bay | Conwy LL28 4UL
Ffôn/Phone: 01492577767
Gwe/Web: [4]



show quoted sections

Donald Saunders

Dear socialcarefoi,
What absolute Crap, talk about cover up! Let me refresh you knowledge, AMHP are employed by Conwy Council and are under contract by them, all of the data has to be recorded when sectioned under the mental health act, ( officially recorded information) this is not an opinion but a fact, so I asked for clarification on the law and what actions had been taken. It's such a shame that this council sees honesty as a threat and treats those who seek it with such contempt.

Yours sincerely,

Donald Saunders

Uned Llyw-Gwyb / Info-Gov Unit, Conwy County Borough Council

RESPONSE internal review 0151-18
Dear Mr Saunders
Thank you for your Internal Review request dated 2/6/2018 regarding the
response to a Freedom of Information request you made on the 6/5/2018.
The purpose of an Internal Review is to assess how your Freedom of
Information request was handled. This is an independent review. I was not
involved in the original request.
Your original request was responded to on the 29/5/2018 and you were
advised that no information was held in the context of the specific
question you posed.
You were also advised that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is about
facilitating public access officially recorded information, your request
as it stands is posing a question, not requesting access to information.
I would reiterate that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it is not about
eliciting views/opinions/interpretations of any particular legislation in
relation to any particular situation, hypothetical or otherwise.
This therefore concludes the Internal Review of your information request. 
If you disagree with the outcome you should contact the Information
Commissioner’s Office whose contact details are below:
Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales
2nd Floor
Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH
Email: [email address]
Yours sincerely
Derek O'Connor
Rheolwr Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth / Information Governance Manager
Cyngor Bwrdeistef Sirol CONWY County Borough Council
E-Bost / E-Mail: [email address]

show quoted sections

Donald Saunders

Dear Uned Llyw-Gwyb / Info-Gov Unit,

So I ask for very specific point of law to be clarified on recorded events and the law, yet you refuse. This social worker must have some friends in very high places in the council, not only does she get off with the porn fiasco claiming being hacked( with no proof) and the council failed to even check and this as well as two major incidents where two people died! I can't wait for a future enquiry when something comes to light as it will and they will be sent this along with other evidence which the council has covered up.

Yours sincerely,

Donald Saunders

Conwy County Borough Council

Yn unol â pholisi e-bost Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, mae'r neges e-bost a anfonwyd at y cyfeiFfilter Iaithriad isod wedi cael ei atal.

Mae'r neges e-bost yn cynnwys iaith neu gynnwys amhriodol. Ffoniwch 01492 576033 i wneud cais am anfon y neges e-bost hon.

In accordance with Conwy County Borough Council's email policy, the email destined for the recipient below has been blocked.

The email contains inappropriate language or content. Please phone 01492 576033 to request that the email be released.

Recipient: [Conwy Council request email]
Subject: Re: RESPONSE internal review 0151-18 FW: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Illegal Detention by Social Worker