Requests similar to 'IG training'

Data protection policy and digital toolkit
Response by NHS Digital to A Miller on .


Ref: NIC-252674-J9W5M  Dear A Miller, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colleague...
Data protection officer
Response by NHS Digital to T Thompson on .


Ref: NIC-209290-S1C8X  Good afternoon, Please accept our apologies, as two files were missed out in the initial response we sent you. Please see...
DSPT Audit Guidance
Response by NHS Digital to Alan Bunn on .

Information not held

Ref: NIC-235990-B6Y9J  Dear Alan Bunn, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colleagu...
Ref: NIC-231657-P4X4Y  Dear Sandre Jones, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colle...
Letter re off-payroll from HMRC
Response by NHS Digital to Dave Chaplin on .

Information not held

Ref: NIC-262737-T5D9R  Dear Dave Chaplin, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colle...
IAPT Performance Data
Response by NHS Digital to Dr Elizabeth Cotton on .

Awaiting classification

Ref: NIC-203393-D4F1Y  Dear Elizabeth Cotton, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our c...
Ref: NIC-268665-K5M5D  Dear Phil Booth, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colleag...
Patient Access to Online Medical Records
Response by NHS Digital to [Name Removed] on .

Information not held

  Ref: NIC-270039-T7J9R  Dear A [name removed], I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 6/2...
Data Protection and Security Toolkit
Response by NHS Digital to lau on .


  Ref: NIC-227488-K2K3W  Good Afternoon, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 29th Augus...
Legal cases
Response by NHS Digital to Louis Goddard on .


  Ref: NIC-241732-K9T5R  Dear Louis Goddard, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 19/10/...
NHS England Hospitals and Trust List with Postcode
Response by NHS Digital to N Wilcox on .


  Ref: NIC-268171-Z9S8R  Dear N Wilcox, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 31/01/2019 ...
Correspondence relating to non-implementation of Type 2 opt outs
Response by NHS Digital to Sandre Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Ref: NIC-242533-B1H7M Dear Sandre Thank you for your email. We have been in contact with our Information Governance Team regarding your enquiry....
National Data Opt-Out Programme Board
Response by NHS Digital to Phil Booth on .

Partially successful

Ref: NIC-188095-S7X4M  Dear Phil Booth, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colleag...
Ref: NIC-236911-F0B0Q  Dear Lucy Series, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our collea...
  Ref: NIC-208320-K3T7W  Dear Rawlins, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 20/06/2018 a...
Women in ICT and Org2
Response by NHS Digital to Michael Smith on .

Partially successful

Ref: NIC-267538-V5D0P  Dear Michael Smith, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 30/01/19 a...
Response by NHS Digital to David Hanson on .


Ref: NIC-269790-F8M9L  Dear David Hanson, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 06/02/19 an...
GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment
Response by NHS Digital to Teresa Kelly on .


  Ref: NIC-273185-V2N0G  Dear Teresa Kelly, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 20/2/20...
Open Source Programme / Code4Health
Response by NHS Digital to Andrew Roberts on .


Ref: NIC-275466-S8D7S  Dear Andrew Roberts, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 01/03/19 ...
  Ref: NIC-276793-N5M0R  Dear Andrew Roberts, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 6/3/2...
SCCI 0129 and SCCI 0160 for eRS
Response by NHS Digital to Robert Bond on .


  Ref: NIC-208837-V4F8D  Dear Bob Bond, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 21/06/2018 ...
  Ref: NIC-213083-C7J4K  Dear A Walker, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 06/07/2018 ...
NHS Digital Recruitment Policy
Response by NHS Digital to Philip Bottomley on .


  Ref: NIC-213234-C4G3X  Dear Philip Bottomley, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 09/...
  Ref: NIC-217852-Y7H3G  Dear Irene Papanicolas, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 23... email domain usage
Response by NHS Digital to Dimitri Amiras on .

Partially successful

  Ref: NIC-221312-M0L7P  Dear Dimitri Amiras, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 03/08...