Requests similar to 'Identification and isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus'

Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Request sent to Department of Health and Social Care by Lee kent on .


Dear Department of Health and Social [email address] Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or...
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: [1]FOI requests at HRA ([HRA request email]) The email address you entered couldn't be found. Ple...
Please find attached the reply to your FOI request       Regards     FOI Team Room 405 70 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AS E-mail -[1]...
Dear Marc Horn, This request, reference FOI2020/10121, was received by the Cabinet Office on 25/07/2020. The response (attached) was sent to you on...
Dear Prime Minister's Office, Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, desc...
Covid statistics/records
Request sent to Department of Health (Northern Ireland) by Phillip Evans on .

Awaiting classification

ā¶DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Northern Ireland) Castle Buildings Stormont Belfast Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent; Notice to the Agent is...
Full, accurate and complete disclosure of SARS-COV-2 virus records
Request sent to House of Commons by Marc Horn on .

Information not held

Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Full and accurate disclosure of the COVID-19 virus isolation.
Request sent to House of Lords by Sara Smith on .

Information not held

Dear House of Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolati...
Dear Ms McGuiness-Karabagli   I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, which I received on 8 November 2020 for information ab...
This email was classified as OFFICIAL on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 14:28:19 GMT Mr Horn,   Re: Freedom of Information Reference 2020015.   I attach my...
Department of Health (Northern Ireland), 14 November 2020 Michael McBride doing business as Chief Medical Officer Robin Swann doing Business as M...
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Proof of the existence of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19)
Request sent to Public Health England by Mr Leigh on .

Awaiting classification

Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-C...
Isolation of the SARS-COV-2 Virus
Response by Public Health England to Devan on .

Partially successful

OFFICIAL Dear Devan Primus, Please find attached Public Health England's response to your request. FOI Team Public Accountability Unit Public Health...
Dear CHP Gillow   Please find attached 4 disclosure documents for Question 3 of request for Conditions of Authorisation for Vaxzevria, request FOI...
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to be provided with the following information: All records in the possession, custody or control of DHSC...
Isolation / Purification Sars-cov-2
Response by Government Office for Science to Leah Coleman on .

Information not held

Kind regards Government Office for Science Government Office for Science 10 Victoria Street London SW1H 0NN +44 (0)20 7215 5000 - Public enquiries +4...
Isolation of SARS-COV-2/Covid-19
Response by Public Health England to Peter Finlayson on .

Information not held

OFFICIAL Dear Peter Finlayson, Please find attached Public Health England's response to your request. Kind regards, FOI Team Public Accountability...
Dear Louise Bicknell, Please find attached additional documents in relation to your request.   Yours sincerely, Freedom of Information Team NHS...
Dear Louise Bicknell, Please find attached remaining documents in relation to your request.   Yours sincerely, Freedom of Information Team NH...