ID Scanning Systems and Data Protection Best Practice Advice

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please disclose as a Freedom Of Information request the following information:

The names of the premises that Southwark Borough Council (under the advice of the Police) has required to install an ID scanning system as part of their continued holding of an alcohol and entertainments license.

The dates that the owners of those venues were informed that they were required to install such a system to continue operating under license.

The specific date when the owners of Club SeOne were informed that they must install an ID scanning system and the complete text of that information.

The advice given to those premises by Southwark Borough Council regarding Data Protection.

Yours faithfully,

J Dowling

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am still awaiting acknowledgement of your receipt of this Freedom Of Information request.

Yours sincerely,

J Dowling

Mcdonald, Marie, Southwark Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dowling

Please find attached acknowledgement letter with regards to your recent
request for information.

<<FOI 01 Acknowledge or Third Party.doc>>

Marie McDonald
Environment and Housing Records Manager
Address: Chatelaine House
186 Walworth Road
SE17 1JJ
Tele: 0207 525 5884
Email: [email address]

To help create a sustainable environment please think carefully before you
print this e-mail. Do not print it unless it is really necessary.

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Dear Marie McDonald,

The Whatdotheyknow website informs me that your response to my question is now overdue.

The 20 working days you are allowed by law have now passed. You are now in breach of the Freedom of Information Act.

Your response is now required.

Yours sincerely,

J Dowling

Mcdonald, Marie, Southwark Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dowling

Please see attached information that you had requested under the FOI
Act, my apologies for the delay.


Marie McDonald
Environment and Housing Records Manager
Address: Chatelaine House
186 Walworth Road
SE17 1JJ
Tele: 0207 525 5884
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Marie McDonald,

Thank you for your overdue response.

I must bring your attention to the part of my request that you have ignored. Namely:

"The advice given to those premises by Southwark Borough Council regarding Data Protection."

Please confirm whether Southwark Borough Council gave any advice to Club SeOne regarding Data Protection and if it did, please detail the full text of that advice.

Yours sincerely,

J Dowling

Mcdonald, Marie, Southwark Borough Council

Dear Mr Dowling

Please find below response to your question regarding Data Protection.


Marie McDonald
Departmental Records Manager
Southwark Council
Environment and Housing Department
Directors Office
160 Tooley Street

show quoted sections