I'd like a transcript or recording of the Q&A put to Jes Staley by the Treasury Select Committee
Dear House of Commons,
In the late Autumn of 2015 Jes Staley became CEO of Barclays. The Daily Mail on the 28th October 2015 reports the Treasury Select Committee were due to grill Staley on his connections to Jeffrey Epstein. So I would like to know the Q&A, in transcript or recorded form of that session, if it existed.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
Dear Mr Taylor,
Freedom of Information request F17-296
Thank you for your request for information dated 8 July 2017, received by
us on the 10 July 2017, which is copied below.
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within 20 working days i.e. on or before 9 August 2017.
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Yours sincerely,
Sarah Price
IRIS Support Officer
Information Rights and Information Security (IRIS) Service | House of
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Dear Mr Taylor,
Freedom of Information request F17-296
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You asked for
a copy of a Question and Answer session transcript, which was due to take
place between the Treasury Select Committee and Jes Staley, CEO of
Barclays in Autumn 2015.
This information is not held by the House of Commons. The Treasury
Committee did not hold an evidence session with Jes Staley, therefore
transcripts of the event do not exist.
You may, if dissatisfied with the handling of your request, complain to
the House of Commons. Alternatively, if you are dissatisfied with the
outcome of your request you may ask the House of Commons to conduct an
internal review of any decision regarding your request. Complaints or
requests for internal review should be addressed to: Information Rights
and Information Security Service, Research and Information Team, House of
Commons, London SW1A 0AA or [1][House of Commons request email]. Please ensure
that you specify the full reasons for your complaint or internal review
along with any arguments or points that you wish to make.
If you remain dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner
at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF,
Yours sincerely,
Lauren Puckey | IRIS Officer
Information Rights and Information Security (IRIS) Service | House of
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St, London SW1H 9NB
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