ICL email communications on trial NCT03380572
Dear Imperial College London,
Please provide the following information:
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that contain the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre” and/or “trial” and/or “BBC” and/or “TranspariMED” and/or “primary completion date” in the subject line and/or body (text) of the email. This request is limited to the email accounts of the following six individuals:
1. Professor Jonathan Weber
2. Dr Ravi Aggarwal
3. Mr Ryan O'Hare
4. Ms Kate Wighton
5. Ms Deborah Evanson
6. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that were sent to, or received by, email accounts ending in @bbc.co.uk This request is limited to the email accounts of the following four individuals:
1. Mr Ryan O'Hare
2. Ms Kate Wighton
3. Ms Deborah Evanson
4. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
In addition, all other emails sent from and/or received by all university email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that contain the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre” and/or “TranspariMED” in the subject line and/or body (text) of the email, if not supplied already in response to questions (1) and (2).
Yours faithfully,
Till Bruckner
Dear Mr Bruckner
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request below, made under the Freedom of Information Act. The College aims to respond to your request within twenty working days of receipt of your request.
We will contact you again in due course.
Kind regards,
Catherine Mitchell
Dear Catherine Mitchell,
you have not supplied a response within the 20 working day limit.
Please let me know by when you expect to provide the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
Till Bruckner
Dear Imperial College London,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Imperial College London's handling of my FOI request 'ICL email communications on trial NCT03380572'.
Despite the simple nature of the request (the data should be easy to extract from the university's email system), the university has failed to provide a response within the 20 day legal time limit.
The university has not responded to an invitation to explain when it expects to provide the requested information.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/i...
For background information only:
Yours faithfully,
Till Bruckner
Dear Mr Brucker
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email below. We will write to you again in due course.
Kind regards
Catherine Mitchell
below the text of an email I just sent to Ms Milena Radoycheva, Director of Legal Services at ICL, using her email address given here:
This is just FYI and for the public record.
Dear Milena Radoycheva,
in the process of filing a complaint about ICL with the Information Commissioner, I came across your email.
I had not been aware that Ms Catherine Mitchell had a line manager, and have postponed filing my complaint to give you a final opportunity to respond to my FOI request:
If ICL does not provides the (long overdue) information requested by COB Tuesday 22 May 2018, I will proceed to file my complaint with the Information Commissioner.
Please send your response through the WhatDoTheyKnow platform.
Thank you for your time, best wishes,
Till Bruckner
Dear Mr Bruckner
Thank you for your email below. I apologise for the delay in providing a response to your request.
We are in the process of finalising our response and it will be sent to you in the next few days.
Catherine Mitchell
Dear Mr Bruckner
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request.
Please find below the College’s response to your questions.
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that contain
the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre” and/or “trial” and/or “BBC”
and/or “TranspariMED” and/or “primary completion date” in the subject line
and/or body (text) of the email. This request is limited to the email
accounts of the following six individuals:
1. Professor Jonathan Weber
2. Dr Ravi Aggarwal
3. Mr Ryan O'Hare
4. Ms Kate Wighton
5. Ms Deborah Evanson
6. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that were sent
to, or received by, email accounts ending in @bbc.co.uk This request is
limited to the email accounts of the following four individuals:
1. Mr Ryan O'Hare
2. Ms Kate Wighton
3. Ms Deborah Evanson
4. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
In addition, all other emails sent from and/or received by all university
email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27
February 2018 that contain the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre”
and/or “TranspariMED” in the subject line and/or body (text) of the email,
if not supplied already in response to questions (1) and (2).
The information that you have requested is attached. Two further emails
will follow with parts two and three of the attachments. Please note that
personal information has been redacted in accordance with Section 40 (2)
of the Freedom of Information Act, which states that "any information to
which a request for information relates is also exempt information if -
(a) it constitutes personal data."
I am obliged, under the Freedom of Information Act, to inform you of our
complaints procedures in case you are unhappy about the way in which your
request has been dealt with. If you wish to complain about this response,
you should contact the College Secretary at the address below.
The College Secretary
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
E-mail: [1][email address]
If you are unhappy about the way in which the College Secretary handles
your complaint then you may have recourse to the official regulator for
the Freedom of Information Act who is:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Kind regards,
Catherine Mitchell
Part 2 attached.
Sent: 29 May 2018 12:00
To: Till Bruckner
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - ICL email communications on
trial NCT03380572
Dear Mr Bruckner
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request.
Please find below the College’s response to your questions.
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that contain
the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre” and/or “trial” and/or “BBC”
and/or “TranspariMED” and/or “primary completion date” in the subject line
and/or body (text) of the email. This request is limited to the email
accounts of the following six individuals:
1. Professor Jonathan Weber
2. Dr Ravi Aggarwal
3. Mr Ryan O'Hare
4. Ms Kate Wighton
5. Ms Deborah Evanson
6. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that were sent
to, or received by, email accounts ending in @bbc.co.uk This request is
limited to the email accounts of the following four individuals:
1. Mr Ryan O'Hare
2. Ms Kate Wighton
3. Ms Deborah Evanson
4. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
In addition, all other emails sent from and/or received by all university
email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27
February 2018 that contain the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre”
and/or “TranspariMED” in the subject line and/or body (text) of the email,
if not supplied already in response to questions (1) and (2).
The information that you have requested is attached. Two further emails
will follow with parts two and three of the attachments. Please note that
personal information has been redacted in accordance with Section 40 (2)
of the Freedom of Information Act, which states that "any information to
which a request for information relates is also exempt information if -
(a) it constitutes personal data."
I am obliged, under the Freedom of Information Act, to inform you of our
complaints procedures in case you are unhappy about the way in which your
request has been dealt with. If you wish to complain about this response,
you should contact the College Secretary at the address below.
The College Secretary
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
E-mail: [1][email address]
If you are unhappy about the way in which the College Secretary handles
your complaint then you may have recourse to the official regulator for
the Freedom of Information Act who is:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Kind regards,
Catherine Mitchell
Part 3 attached.
Sent: 29 May 2018 12:03
To: Till Bruckner
Subject: FW: RE: Freedom of Information request - ICL email communications
on trial NCT03380572
Part 2 attached.
Sent: 29 May 2018 12:00
To: Till Bruckner
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - ICL email communications on
trial NCT03380572
Dear Mr Bruckner
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request.
Please find below the College’s response to your questions.
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that contain
the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre” and/or “trial” and/or “BBC”
and/or “TranspariMED” and/or “primary completion date” in the subject line
and/or body (text) of the email. This request is limited to the email
accounts of the following six individuals:
1. Professor Jonathan Weber
2. Dr Ravi Aggarwal
3. Mr Ryan O'Hare
4. Ms Kate Wighton
5. Ms Deborah Evanson
6. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
All emails sent from and received by university email accounts between
00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27 February 2018 that were sent
to, or received by, email accounts ending in @bbc.co.uk This request is
limited to the email accounts of the following four individuals:
1. Mr Ryan O'Hare
2. Ms Kate Wighton
3. Ms Deborah Evanson
4. Ms Hannah MacLachlan
In addition, all other emails sent from and/or received by all university
email accounts between 00:01am on 19 February 2018 and 11:00am on 27
February 2018 that contain the terms “NCT03380572” and/or “Goldacre”
and/or “TranspariMED” in the subject line and/or body (text) of the email,
if not supplied already in response to questions (1) and (2).
The information that you have requested is attached. Two further emails
will follow with parts two and three of the attachments. Please note that
personal information has been redacted in accordance with Section 40 (2)
of the Freedom of Information Act, which states that "any information to
which a request for information relates is also exempt information if -
(a) it constitutes personal data."
I am obliged, under the Freedom of Information Act, to inform you of our
complaints procedures in case you are unhappy about the way in which your
request has been dealt with. If you wish to complain about this response,
you should contact the College Secretary at the address below.
The College Secretary
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
E-mail: [1][email address]
If you are unhappy about the way in which the College Secretary handles
your complaint then you may have recourse to the official regulator for
the Freedom of Information Act who is:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Kind regards,
Catherine Mitchell
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