I would like to know how many vehicle owners were caught between April 2016 and March 2017 displaying Illegal Number Plates

The request was successful.

Dear Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner,

I am currently investigating the automotive industry and trying to discover if more needs to be done within MOT Testing facilities to spot Illegal Number Plates or if the Police Force need to be more stringent in training road police officers to spot, fine and challenge MOT stations, Drivers and Supplies who sell/buy illegal registration plates.

Between April 2016 and March 2017 75,115 vehicles in the U.K failed initially due to a defect within the number plate or VIN number.

20,000 number plates are reported stolen every since 2016 and is up on the rise.

Areas with the largest total number of number plate offences over the past 3 years (2015-2017)

1. Metropolitan (Greater London area) – 3,058
2. North Wales – 1,381
3. Norfolk – 1,175
4. Thames Valley – 855
5. Hertfordshire – 838
6. Greater Manchester – 754
7. Hampshire – 735
8. Cheshire – 733
9. Suffolk – 682
10. Avon and Somerset – 629

I would like to know how many vehicle owners were fined/reported so far between 2017 and 2018 (vehicles including all classes 1-7) for displaying illegal number plates.

I would also like to know what training, precautions and efforts are being made by the police to crack down on Illegal number plates.

Have the numbers fallen?

After working in the number plate manufacturing industry for two years, it seems that a lot of drivers are not aware of the strict rules, that suppliers don't care about the warnings because the police rarely show much interest.

I hope you can help or point me in the right direction.

Yours faithfully,

Daryl Veal

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner


Thank you for contacting the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). This is
to acknowledge receipt of your message.

Emails are one of the best ways of communication with the PCC, but you
will appreciate that the PCC receives a considerable number of letters,
emails and telephone calls every day, as well as face-to-face meetings at
public events. Please kindly accept that correspondence will need to be
prioritised and if a response is required, the PCC will aim to reply
within 20 working days.

Information about how we use your personal data can be found in the PCC’s
Privacy Information and Privacy Notice [1]here 

You can stay up-to-date with the work of your Police and Crime
Commissioner by signing up online to receive regular newsletter at

You can also follow her on Twitter @AandSPCC and @SuMountstevens - or by
liking us on Facebook.

Yours faithfully
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Office
Avon & Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner, Valley Road, Portishead,
Bristol BS20 8JJ
Tel: 01275 816377 / Fax:  01275 816388


Visible links
1. https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/F...
2. http://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/
3. http://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/

Dear Mr Veal,


Having completed my search for the information that you requested on 12 June 2018, I can confirm that this is not held by the Office of Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, which is a separate organisation to Avon and Somerset Police.

With the aim of assisting you, I have referred your request to Avon and Somerset Police Freedom of Information Department. If you do not get a direct reply from the Police and wish to follow up your request then you can write to:

Freedom of Information Team
Corporate Information Management
Avon and Somerset Constabulary HQ
PO Box 37
Valley Road
BS20 8QJ

Or contact the team on-line at:

May I also suggest that you review the Police publication scheme on-line at:

If you have any queries about my reply and actions then please contact me again, quoting the reference number above in any future communications. If you are unhappy about how I have dealt with your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of my decision then you can write to:

The Chief Executive
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner's Office
Valley Road
BS20 8JJ

Thank you for your interest in Avon and Somerset Police.

Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner's Office
Valley Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 8JJ

show quoted sections

Dear #PCC,

Thanks for your swift reply and pointing me in the right direction.

Yours sincerely,

Daryl Veal

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner


Thank you for contacting the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). This is
to acknowledge receipt of your message.

Emails are one of the best ways of communication with the PCC, but you
will appreciate that the PCC receives a considerable number of letters,
emails and telephone calls every day, as well as face-to-face meetings at
public events. Please kindly accept that correspondence will need to be
prioritised and if a response is required, the PCC will aim to reply
within 20 working days.

Information about how we use your personal data can be found in the PCC’s
Privacy Information and Privacy Notice [1]here 

You can stay up-to-date with the work of your Police and Crime
Commissioner by signing up online to receive regular newsletter at

You can also follow her on Twitter @AandSPCC and @SuMountstevens - or by
liking us on Facebook.

Yours faithfully
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Office
Avon & Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner, Valley Road, Portishead,
Bristol BS20 8JJ
Tel: 01275 816377 / Fax:  01275 816388


Visible links
1. https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/F...
2. http://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/
3. http://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/

#Freedom of Information Requests,

Thank you for your request for information, which has been transferred across from the Police and Crime Commissioner's Office. Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act. In some circumstances Avon and Somerset Constabulary may be unable to achieve this deadline if consideration needs to be given to the public interest test. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at the earliest opportunity.

show quoted sections

#Freedom of Information Requests,



Corporate Communications Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667


Daryl Veal Our Reference 797/18

[FOI #490786 email] Date 20 June



Dear Mr Veal


Thank you for your request which I have copied below. In order for us to
provide you with the information you require some clarification is


I am currently investigating the automotive industry and trying to
discover if more needs to be done within MOT Testing facilities to spot
Illegal Number Plates or if the Police Force need to be more stringent in
training road police officers to spot, fine and challenge MOT stations,
Drivers and Supplies who sell/buy illegal registration plates.  


Between April 2016 and March 2017 75,115 vehicles in the U.K failed
initially due to a defect within the number plate or VIN number.


20,000 number plates are reported stolen every since 2016 and is up on the


Areas with the largest total number of number plate offences over the past
3 years (2015-2017)


1.         Metropolitan (Greater London area) – 3,058

2.         North Wales – 1,381

3.         Norfolk – 1,175

4.         Thames Valley – 855

5.         Hertfordshire – 838

6.         Greater Manchester – 754

7.         Hampshire – 735

8.         Cheshire – 733

9.         Suffolk – 682

10.       Avon and Somerset – 629 


1.    I would like to know how many vehicle owners were fined/reported so
far between 2017 and 2018 (vehicles including all classes 1-7) for
displaying illegal number plates.


2.    I would also like to know what training, precautions and efforts are
being made by the police to crack down on Illegal number plates.


3.    Have the numbers fallen?


After working in the number plate manufacturing industry for two years, it
seems that a lot of drivers are not aware of the strict rules, that
suppliers don't care about the warnings because the police rarely show
much interest.


Please can you clarify what do you mean by have the numbers fallen, what
numbers are you referring to and since when? Are you referring to the
figures in question 1? We note you have already requested under another
FOI request the 2016/17 figures.


I will be unable to start to process your request until I have received
your clarification. If your clarification is not received within 20
working days this request will be closed.

Yours sincerely,


Rebecca Pritchard


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Communications Department


Please note;

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.



Dear Rebecca,

Apologies for the lack in clarity,

I've just had a reread and see it's not very concise,

I'd like to know:

How many vehicles were stopped for displaying illegal number plates between 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2018?

Have the statistics increased or decreased compared to offences recorded in 01/01/2016 - 01/01/201711?

Yours sincerely,

Daryl Veal

#Freedom of Information Requests,

No problem, thanks for providing us with the clarification Daryl, we will now progress your request.

show quoted sections

#Freedom of Information Requests,

1 Attachment

Corporate Communications Department

Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,

Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ

Facsimile 01275 814667

Email [email address]    





Mr D Veal Our Reference 797/18

[1][FOI #490786 email]
Date 10 July 2018


Dear Mr Veal


I write in connection with your request for information dated 19^th June
under the Freedom of Information Act.


Specifically you asked:

1.    I would like to know how many vehicle owners were fined/reported so
far between 2017 and 2018 (vehicles including all classes 1-7) for
displaying illegal number plates.

2.    I would also like to know what training, precautions and efforts are
being made by the police to crack down on Illegal number plates.

3.    Have the numbers fallen?


Clarification received

On the 20^th June you clarified in respect of Q1&3 that you were


1.    How many vehicles were stopped for displaying illegal number plates
between 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2018?

3.    Have the statistics increased or decreased compared to offences
recorded in 01/01/2016 - 01/01/201711?  


Our response:


Q1&3. Your previous request 792/18 requested similar information for April
2016 to March 2017; however the information requested in 792/18 was for
the number of vehicle owners fined/reported for these offences.


In this request you have asked for the number of vehicles stopped. We
would be unable to provide the number of vehicles stopped for displaying
illegal number plates as this would require all officers to review their
pocket note books which would exceed the cost of compliance limit set by
the Act. I have therefore provided the number of vehicle owners
fined/reported as per your previous request.


In respect of Q3 we wouldn’t specifically record whether this has
increased or decreased, I have therefore provided data from 2016 onwards
for you to carry out your own comparison.


|Offence Description |2016|2017|2018 (up to|Total|
| | | |17/6/18) | |
|Keep a vehicle with registration mark |8 |11 |0 |19 |
|obscured | | | | |
|Drive a vehicle with no registration plate -|1 |4 |1 |6 |
|registered before 1/10/38 | | | | |
|Drive a vehicle when the registration mark |119 |126 |48 |293 |
|fails to conform with regulations | | | | |
|Keep a vehicle when registration mark fails |27 |31 |10 |68 |
|to conform with the regulations | | | | |
|Keep vehicle and trailer no rear |0 |2 |0 |2 |
|registration plate - registered after 09/38 | | | | |
|Drive a vehicle and trailer with no |1 |0 |0 |1 |
|registration plate - registered before | | | | |
|1/10/38 | | | | |
|Drive vehicle no front registration plate - |8 |12 |5 |25 |
|registered after 30/09/38 | | | | |
|Keep vehicle no front registration plate - |51 |46 |16 |113 |
|registered after 30/09/38 | | | | |
|Drive vehicle / vehicle and trailer no rear |22 |17 |25 |64 |
|registration plate - registered after | | | | |
|30/09/38 | | | | |
|Keep vehicle no rear registration plate - |4 |4 |1 |9 |
|registered after 30/09/38 | | | | |
|Drive a vehicle with registration mark |9 |4 |8 |21 |
|obscured / indistinguishable | | | | |
|  |250 |257 |114 |621 |



Q2. Road Policing Officers receive basic training on registration plate
legislation during their Roads Policing Skills course. This is supported
by any updates from DVLA that come out on a periodic basis. We hold no
specific recorded information regarding any precautions or efforts in
place and Officers will deal as they see fit at their discretion.


Yours sincerely


Michelle Radcliffe

Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Communications Department



Please note:

1.     Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further

2.     Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.

3.     Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy




Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #490786 email]