I am requesting information on licencing and enforcement of displays lasers for entertainment purposes.
Dear Weymouth and Portland Borough Council,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act for full disclosure of and publication of:
1. The number of temporary event licence applications you have received for each of the past 5 years where the use of display layers was involved?
2. Number of venues in your district which have requested as part of their licence conditions permission to use display lasers:
3 a) The number of complaints received regarding laser use at licensed and unlicensed events or premises for each of the last 5 years. Please provide separately the number of these which relate to intentional audience scanning.
3 b) For each complaint describe what action was taken as a result of the complaint:
4. The number of event and premises licenses which :
a) Ban or prohibit the use of lasers
b) Ban or prohibit the use of audience scanning with lasers
c) Stipulate conditions to promote the safe operation and installation of such equipment
5. Nature and type of enforcement action undertaken to deal with display lasers in each of the last 5 years. Please provide an outline of the regulations applied to any enforcement action undertaken.
6) The nature and extent of training given to enforcement staff in respect of display laser safety to include:
1. The number of staff trained in your authority
2. Please provide an outline of the type of training received, whether a cost was incurred for the training, the frequency (if any) that update training is required.
7) Should further assistance be necessary in dealing with lasers, where would you turn for external assistance?
A) The Health Protection Agency
B) Professional bodies such as CIEH, IOSH,
C) Independent Laser Company
D) Other
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Davidson
Dear Ms Davidson,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgement letter attached.
Kind regards,
Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000
Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games
Dear Ms Davidson,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter attached.
If you require any further assistance, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000
Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games
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