HSPS and History applications in the 2024 cycle
Dear Murray Edwards College, Cambridge,
Please provide the following information on applications for the HSPS and History courses in the 2024 cycle:
- Whether pre-interview reading was given
- Scores on any admissions assessments
- Percentage of students studying A-level Sociology or History (in separate tables)
- Home or international student
Yours faithfully,
Mariam Wegiel
Dear Mariam Weigel
For applicants to Murray Edwards College, both direct and open applications assigned to the college are considered. There is no pre-interview reading requirement for History applicants, and they will be assessed through the History Admissions Assessment (HAA), which is administered during the interview. Similarly, applicants to the Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) course are not required to complete any pre-interview reading, and there is no admissions test for HSPS applicants.
History applicants
Total = 12, Home = 11, International = 1
HAA scores: 5.5, 7, 5, 8.5, 7, 6
Percentage studying A-Level History = 91.7%
Percentage studying A-Level Sociology = 8.3%
HSPS applicants
Total = 36, Home = 28, International = 8
Percentage studying A-Level History = 30.6%
Percentage studying A-Level Sociology = 41.7%
Yours sincerely,
Robert Hopwood
Bursar and Fellow
Murray Edwards College
Huntingdon Road
Cambridge, CB3 0DF
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of this decision, you should write to The Bursar, Murray Edwards College, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DF who will then assign an appropriate person to conduct the internal review. If subsequently you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the College.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
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