Dear High Speed Two (HS2) Limited,

“In his June 2023 HS2 report to parliament Huw Merriman stated :-
'Spend to date includes a £1 billion liability (provision) representing DfT’s
obligation to purchase land and property.'

In an FOI (F0022523), the DFT has responded that £863.6mn of that £1bn provision is for 'Phase 1 CPO Permanent'.

Please can I have a breakdown of the £863.6mn Phase 1 CPO Permanent figure.
eg extra land, injurious affection, low estimates, legal fees etc.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Haville

FOI Request, High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

Dear Mike Haville

Thank you for your email to HS2 Ltd.

We are considering your request for information and aim to reply no later than 4 April 2024.

Your reference number for this part of the request is FOI-24-5489.

Kind regards,

Briefings, Correspondence and FOI Adviser | HS2 Ltd
Tel: TBA (Freephone number)| [HS2 request email] | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, The Podium, London Euston |

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FOI Request, High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

3 Attachments

Dear Mike Haville

Please find attached our response to the above mentioned request.

Kind regards,

Briefings, Correspondence and FOI Adviser | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [HS2 request email] | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, The Podium, London Euston |

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Dear FOI Request,

Apologies for the confusion, can I clarify.

You have previously responded how the £863.6mn figure by area:-
CPO - Permanent
North 464.9
Central 192.5
South 206.2

Can I ask for a breakdown of each of the above figures.

This should be available as totals for each area have to come from other data.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Haville

FOI Request, High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

Dear Mike Haville

Thank you for your email to HS2 Ltd. We are considering your request for information and aim to reply as soon as possible and no later than 02 May 2024.

Your reference number for the request is FOI-24-5512.

Kind regards,

Briefings, Correspondence and Freedom of Information (BCFOI) advisor | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)|[HS2 request email]| Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GA |

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FOI Request, High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

2 Attachments

Dear Mike Haville

Please find attached our response to the above mentioned request.

Kind regards,

Briefings, Correspondence and Freedom of Information (BCFOI) advisor | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)|[HS2 request email]| Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GA |

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