HPMCZ Socio-Economics
Dear Welsh Government/Llywodraeth Cymru,
I would be grateful if you could provide me with any copies of documentation, including (without limitations) external and internal correspondence, minutes and briefing notes, which would explain when and how you went for a Highly Protected version of a Marine Conservation Zone.
Also could you provide me with any copies of documentation, including (without limitations) external and internal correspondence, minutes and briefing notes, in regards to research into the socio economics and stake holders for the site selection process.
Extract from Protecting Welsh Seas'
'Criteria for the identification and selection of MCZs in Welsh waters will be developed, agreed and used through a robust site selection process, incorporating ecological information, socio-economic information and stakeholder dialogue. This will ensure that sites are chosen to maximise ecological and socio-economic benefits while minimising any conflicts with different uses of the sea as far as possible.'
Yours faithfully,
Claire Russell Griffiths
Dear George, Louise (ESH - ECM),
Yes this is an acurate discription of my request.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Claire Russell Griffiths
Please note attached in response to your request of 10 July.
<<Letter to CRG - information to be released.doc>> <<Doc 01 CCW Policy
Research Report 06-9 Implementing the ecosystem approach in Wales.pdf>>
<<Doc 02 CCW Policy Research Report 06-42 Analysis of options for
delivering HPMRs in Wales.pdf>> <<Doc 03 CCW Report 762 HPMRs Evidence of
benefits and opportunities for marine biodiversity in Wales.pdf>> <<Doc 04
Evidence Paper for Sustainability Committee 4.6.08.pdf>> <<Doc 05 Briefing
3.9.09.pdf>> <<Doc 05a Response to briefing 3.9.09.pdf>> <<Doc 06 Briefing
30.7.10.pdf>> <<Doc 06a Response to briefing 30.7.10.pdf>> <<Doc 07 Socio-
Economic Sub Group meeting 28.5.10.pdf>> <<Doc 08 Socio- Economic Sub
Group meeting 10.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc 08a MAP - Extractive Activity (meet
10.9.10).pdf>> <<Doc 08b MAP - Depositional Activity (meet 10.9.10).pdf>>
<<Doc 08c MAP - Fishing Activity (2006 & 2007) All Gear Types (meet
10.9.10).pdf>> <<Doc 09 Email and attachments from WG to Sub Group
16.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc 10 Emails from Sub Group members to WG.pdf>> <<Doc 10a
Email from Seafish to WG 16.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc 10b Email from Mike Christie
to WG 17.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc 10c Email from the Crown Estate to WG
17.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc 10d Email from CCW Economist to WG 17.9.10.pdf>> <<Doc
11 SCEG networks.pdf>>
Louise George
Marine Branch / Cangen y Mor
Department for Environment and Sustainable Development / Adran yr
Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy
Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru
Tel: 02920 801258
Email / Ebost: [email address]
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Wrth adael Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn
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