This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'How often do the police take NFA in DV reports'.

Thames Valley Police 
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM 
Oxford Road
Rebecca Kelly 
Telephone: 101
Direct dial: 01865 542051 
Our ref: 
23rd January 2019
Dear Rebecca Kelly,  
I write in response to the above-referenced Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request 
submitted on the 27th December 2018. Thames Valley Police has now considered this 
request, which for clarity, has been repeated below: 
How often do police pressure victims into  Under the provisions of the FOIA 
making a report against their violent ex 
legislation, Thames Valley Police are 
that  never goes to to court?  
obliged to disclose recorded information 
How often is the excuse it's your word 
and not necessarily answer questions 
against Thiers given even when theirs 
relating to specific scenarios or 
medical evidence witnesses and the 
confirm/deny statements. Under Section 
abuser has a history of violence towards 
8(1)(c) these questions are not deemed 
his ex's my children and TVP are aware 
to be a request under the provisions of 
of recent reports of D.V from weeks 
the Act.  
How many of these innocence happen @  However, the following link will provide 
Milton Keynes police station? 
information regarding how Thames 
How often are victims killed or seriously 
Valley Police deal with reports of 
hurt before police do take any action?  
Domestic Abuse in order to protect the 
How does reporting abusive ex's to you 
victims of such offences. 
build a case apart from it being made 
about the victims parenting  to the local
Why would TVP insist you report assaults  abuse/ 
if it was over the statue of limitations and 
nothing could be done about it?  
The following link will also provide further 
information into how the police deal with 
reports of Domestic Abuse along with 
services that have been set up in order to 
help victims. 

Thames Valley Police 
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM 
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. 
Yours sincerely 
Claire Baldwin  
Public Access 
Joint Information Management Unit