Growth Directorate
Nazeya Hussain
Your Ref:
My Ref: F1203
Enquiries to: Lisa Fairmaner
24 September 2019
Response by email to:
Dear Helen Hinton,
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request - Ref No: F1203
I refer to your request for information received on 4 September 2019. The responses to your
questions are as follows.
1) What criteria was used in including greenbelt and Metropolitan Open Land in the
proposed opportunity areas in the Local Plan Consultation which ended in July 2019?
The main criteria was the application of the Mayor’s small sites policy.
2) Which outside company was used to deliver the online consultation portal, what
services were contracted and how much did it cost ?
Bang the Table Ltd is the company who developed the product, which is called Engagement HQ.
The council has personalised it’s version of the product to Kingston Let’s Talk and runs the site
day-to-day. Bang the Table provides the software and regular upgrades, as well as ongoing
technical support and advice and training on consultation and engagement.
The cost is £7000 per year. It is used for all Council consultations - not just those relating to the
local plan.
3)how much was spent on the local plan workshops, including room hire, refreshments and
The total costs associated with the Regulation 18 consultation are as follows:
Additional comms staff support
Rents Payable (room hire including any refreshments)
Printing and Photocopying
Publicity and Promotions*1
*1 including original graphic design work to create the documents and promotional materials, and
the costs of the consultants delivering the workshops and on-street surveys
It is not possible to separate out the costs just for the workshops.
4) how many hard copies of the local plan consultation were published and the cost?
470 copies of the full Local Plan document were printed at the cost of £1358.56. Other printed
materials were produced.
5) where, how many and which dates were market researchers sent out with the local plan
consultation and how many questionnaires were completed? What was the cost?
The information we hold is as follows:
Which zone
Kingston Town, Maldens and
June 13 Thursday
June 14 Friday
Kingston Town
June 15 Saturday
South of the Borough
Kingston Town, Maldens and
June 16 Sunday
June 18 Tuesday
Kingston Town, Surbiton
June 19 Wednesday Surbiton
June 20 Thursday
Maldens and Coombe
June 23 Sunday
South of the Borough
June 26 Wednesday South of the Borough
June 30 Sunday
Kingston Town
6) who will compile the report on the local Plan consultation findings, how much will it cost
and when will it be published?
The Statement of Consultation will be produced by council officers. It is not possible to separate
this cost from all other costs of running the service. The report will be published alongside the draft
Local Plan in spring 2020.
If you are unhappy with the way in which your request has been handled you have the right to ask
for an internal review. Please notify us in writing as soon as possible with the grounds upon which
you feel the appeal is justified to: or by post to Customer Care, Guildhall 2, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1EU.
We aim to respond to you within 20 working days of receiving your request. If it is going to take
longer we will let you know.
Should you still be dissatisfied with the outcome you have the right to refer to the Information
Commissioner: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Fairmaner,
Corporate Head of Planning
If this letter is not clear, please post it to: FREEPOST RBK BETTER LETTERS or ring 020 8547 5000.