How much money is being spent on Libraries in Ayrshire
Dear Freedom of Information Officer
I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act to attain information regarding the amount of public spending on libraries in the past 4 years.
In this information I would like to know:
1. How many new books have been bought by council libraries in each of the past 4 years?
2. How many books have been removed from libraries in each of the past 4 years?
3. What is done with books which are no longer given out by the libraries? How many books have been destroyed in each of the past 4 years?
4. How many staff have been employed full-time by libraries in in each of the past 4 years?
5. What has been the gross size of the councils library budget in each of the past 4 years?
6. How many library closures have there been in each of the past 4 years? Please provide details of every closure.
Yours faithfully,
Hazel Urquhart
Kind regards.
FOI Team | Information Governance | Resources, Governance and Organisation
| [1][South Ayrshire Council request email] | Direct Line: 01292 612223 | South
Ayrshire Council | County Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr, KA7 1DR |
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request and now enclose the
Councils response.
FOI Team |Democratic and Governance | Resources, Governance and
Organisation | [1][email address] | 01292 612223 | County
Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR |
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