How many tenants at Grenfell Tower

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Kensington and Chelsea TMO should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Kensington and Chelsea TMO,

Please provide an actual accounting of all rent collected either in full or partially for May 2017 from your tenants at Grenfell Tower, W11.

Please confirm the number of tenants you had at this location on 10th June 2017 and provide documentation attesting to this reacting any sensitive identifying material such as names.

Please state how many males and female tenants you had as tenants at Grenfell Tower on 10th June 2017.

Finally, please confirm the number of flats you had under management at Grenfell Tower on 10th June 2017.

Yours faithfully,

Andre Wessers

Dear Kensington and Chelsea TMO,

I am following upon my previous request as I have not received a timely response in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which states:

A public authority must comply with section 1(1) promptly and in any event not later than the twentieth working day following the date of receipt.

Yours faithfully,


Yu, Robin: CP-ICT: RBKC,

Dear Andre,


I apologise for the delay in responding. KCTMO have no record of receiving
your request and have asked that the council pick this up. We are working
on your request and aim to have a response soon.


For your information and future communications your request has been
allocated the reference number FOI2017-1078. Please quote this reference
in any future correspondence. We will consider your request and respond in
accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Yours sincerely


Robin Yu

Information Governance and Management Officer

Shared ICT Service

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX

Tel: 020 7938 8226


Email: [email address] | Website: [1]



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Yu, Robin: CP-ICT: RBKC,

Dear Andre




I am responding to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
which we received on 17 June 2017, for information held by the Council.
Your request is as follows:

Q1: Please provide an actual accounting of all rent collected either in
full or partially for May 2017 from your tenants at Grenfell Tower, W11.

For the period April 3^rd 2017 to 4^th June 2017 (weeks 01-09) a total of
£134,415 was collected in rent and service charges for the tenanted
properties at Grenfell Tower.

Q2: Please confirm the number of tenants you had at this location on 10th
June 2017 and provide documentation attesting to this reacting any
sensitive identifying material such as names.

151 main and joint tenants/leaseholders, and 80 other occupants.

It is not clear what information you require when you ask for
“documentation attesting to this”.

Q3: Please state how many males and female tenants you had as tenants at
Grenfell Tower on 10th June 2017.

Gender of tenant Tenants only (rentable and Tenants and other occupants
leasehold properties) (rentable and leasehold
Male 63 94
Female 86 135
Unknown 2 2

(Please note that the unknown gender relates to leasehold properties owned
by an organisation rather than an individual)

Q4: Finally, please confirm the number of flats you had under management
at Grenfell Tower on 10th June 2017

129 properties at Grenfell Tower. 115 of these are social rented
properties, 14 are privately owned.




I trust this has satisfied your request. Should you be unhappy with the
handling of your request, the Council has an internal complaints process
for handling FOIA complaints. Complaints are reviewed by the Chief
Solicitor and Monitoring Officer or her nominee. A form is available from
our website to lodge your complaint
Please contact us if you do not have website access and we can provide you
with a copy of the form. Following this review, should you still be
unhappy with how your information request has been handled, you have a
further right to appeal to the Information Commissioner who is responsible
for ensuring compliance with FOIA.  


Yours sincerely


Robin Yu

Information Governance and Management Officer

Shared ICT Service

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX

Tel: 020 7938 8226


Email: [2][email address] | Website: [3]

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2. mailto:[email address]