How many schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire have received training based on the national Prevent strategy to "prevent radicalisation."

The request was partially successful.

Dear East Riding of Yorkshire Council,

Implementation of the Home Office Prevent Strategy in schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire

The Prevent strategy is an initiative developed by the Home Office to counter the radicalisation of young people. The target of the national strategy is to prevent the recruitment of young people into the ranks of Islamic State and similar groups. However in the East Riding of Yorkshire Humberside Police have used the training of Headteachers to promote their own views on radicalisation of young people by identifying far-right extremists, animal rights campaigners and anti-fracking campaigners as their main priorities in training teachers to identify school children at risk of radicalisation.
This alarming development raises a number of questions.
1. How many schools in the East Riding have carried out Prevent training with school staff? Please provide the names of the schools and the date training was provided.
2. How many schools have provided teaching activity based on the Prevent training? Please provide the names of the schools, the dates of teaching sessions and the numbers of pupils involved.
3. How many school assemblies have been held with content based on the Prevent training?
Please provide the names of the schools, dates of assemblies and approximate numbers of children attending.
4. When was governor training provided or arranged by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to explain the Prevent strategy?
5. Which governing bodies have received training in the issues arising from application of the Prevent strategy? Please give details of governing bodies and the dates of the training provided together with who was responsible for the training.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Jon Mager

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Mager

Further to your recent request for access to information, please see the
attached letter.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
County Hall
HU17 9BA

If you have any further queries please email: [email address]

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East Riding of Yorkshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Mager

Further to your recent request for access to information within the
Freedom of Information Act, please see the attached letter.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
County Hall
HU17 9BA

If you have any further queries please email: [email address]

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