How many medical graduates with Primary Medical Qualification from Ukraine have been registered by the GMC in the past year.

The request was successful.

Dear General Medical Council,

I would like to know how many medical graduates from Ukraine were eligible for full GMC registration in the past 2 years.

I would like to know how many medical graduates from Ukraine were eligible for provisional registration in the past 2 years.

Yours faithfully,

Omotola Writes

FOI, General Medical Council

Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.
Your receipt of this means that we have safely received your email.

We are currently receiving a high volume of requests and there will be a
delay in getting back to you with a further acknowledgement. We will do so
as soon as we can. 


In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website: [1]Home - GMC (

Thank you

Information Access team

General Medical Council

Email: [2][GMC request email]


Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

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FOI, General Medical Council

Dear Omotola Writes,


Your information request – IR1-4025066999


Thank you for your email dated 28^th July 2023.


How we will consider your request

We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.


Yours Sincerely,


Alex Mason

Information Access Assistant

General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street



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Henna Janghir, General Medical Council

Dear Omotola Writes,


Your information request – IR1-4025066999


Thank you for your email dated 28th July 2023 requesting registration
information about medical graduates from Ukraine. I have considered your
request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


Please find below a table showing the number of granted applications
between 1 August 2021 and 31 July 2023 for doctors joining the register
for the first time with a Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) from an
Ukrainian awarding body:


│Type of registration │ Number of granted applications│
│Provisional │ 15│
│Full* │ 373│
│Grand Total │ 388│


*Please note that this includes those doctors with full registration in
[1]approved practice settings, full registration with GP registration, and
full registration with specialist registration.


Please note there were no applications for temporary registration granted
for doctors with a PMQ from Ukraine during the time period.


Who to contact


If you have any concerns about your request, please contact
[2][GMC request email]. You can also contact the [3]Information Commissioner’s
Office, and we can provide further details of this.


Yours sincerely,


Henna Janghir

Information Access Officer


General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street


M3 3AW


Email: [4][email address]

Tel: 0161 923 6710

Website: [5]


From: FOI
Sent: 29 July 2023 13:23
To: Omotola Writes <[FOI #1009313 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - How many medical graduates
with Primary Medical Qualification from Ukraine have been registered by
the GMC in the past year.


Dear Omotola Writes,


Your information request – IR1-4025066999


Thank you for your email dated 28^th July 2023.


How we will consider your request

We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.


Yours Sincerely,


Alex Mason

Information Access Assistant

General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street



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