How many hours are the current cabinet members contracted to work in roles outside the Council?

Bristol City Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Bristol City Council,

Cllr Eleanor Combley of Bishopston & Ashley Down ward asked in the Member Forum of the full council meeting of 15 January 2018, the following about Cabinet member responsibilities:

"The Cabinet has roughly doubled in size since the previous administration. This has the
benefit of making it easier for each cabinet member to focus on a manageable brief. However,
it has also doubled the cost to the city, since the allowance has not reduced, presumably
because a cabinet role is still expected to be a full time job.
How many hours are the current cabinet members contracted to work in roles outside the

The answer was not sufficient and was not an answer. Can the Bristol City Council please tell me how many hours the current cabinet members are contracted to work in roles outside the council, please?

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Booth

Freedom of Information, Bristol City Council

Thank you for your request for information. Next time why not speed things
up and use our new web service to make your request? It's here at


If your email is a Freedom Of Information request you should expect to
receive a response within the 20 working day limit.


If your email is a request for an internal review you should receive a
response within the 20 - 40 working day limit.



On Behalf of

The Freedom Of Information team


Visible links

No Reply @ Bristol, Bristol City Council

Dear Joanna Booth 
This is a courtesy email to let you know your Public Information
Request has been received on : 26/03/2018. 
Your unique reference number is "CRN00161599 ". Please keep this
number safe, as you may be required to provide it in the future. 
If you need to add further information concerning your case or
require an update about your response date, please email
[email address
Customer Relations Team

"No Reply @ Bristol" <>, Bristol City Council

You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 26/03/2018

Your request number is CRN00161599

We’ve looked at your request and you should receive a reply on or before 25/04/2018 08:40 This will be 20 working days since your original request.

The request

Dear Bristol City Council,

Cllr Eleanor Combley of Bishopston & Ashley Down ward asked in the Member Forum of the full council meeting of 15 January 2018, the following about Cabinet member responsibilities:

"The Cabinet has roughly doubled in size since the previous administration. This has the benefit of making it easier for each cabinet member to focus on a manageable brief. However, it has also doubled the cost to the city, since the allowance has not reduced, presumably because a cabinet role is still expected to be a full time job.
How many hours are the current cabinet members contracted to work in roles outside the Council?"

The answer was not sufficient and was not an answer. Can the Bristol City Council please tell me how many hours the current cabinet members are contracted to work in roles outside the council, please?

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Booth


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #473246 email]

Additional Information (if any)

If you don’t hear from us by this time please contact [Bristol City Council request email]
Contact details we have for you
Joanna Booth
 [FOI #473246 email]



Bristol City Council

Mayor, Bristol City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Joanna


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which has been passed to
me. This isn’t information that the council holds – it would be personal
records held by the bodies which employ the cabinet members themselves.
The amount of time cabinet members, or any councillor, spends at their
other commitments is a matter for them personally and you may wish to
write to them to ask.


The council does publish the register of interests for each member, which
includes their appointments to outside bodies, as well as their attendance
record for Council meetings.


You can find them all here:


The answer I gave to Cllr Combley’ s question at the time stated how
grateful I am to them for the time, effort and commitment they all show in
working to deliver for Bristol. I am focused on how my administration will
deliver for the city, and making sure that we have the right resource and
quality in my cabinet.  


Kind regards


[2]MR signature for letters


Marvin Rees

Mayor of Bristol


[3]Twitter | [4]Instagram | [5]Blog


t:  +44 (0) 117 922 2420

e:  [6][email address]


Mayor’s Office

Bristol City Council

City Hall, College Green

Bristol BS1 5TR


Postal Address: Mayor’s Office, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176,
Bristol BS3 9FS ;



Dear Bristol City Council,


Cllr Eleanor Combley of Bishopston & Ashley Down ward asked in the  Member Forum of the full council meeting of 15 January 2018, the following about Cabinet member responsibilities:


"The Cabinet has roughly doubled in size since the previous administration. This has the benefit of making it easier for each cabinet member to focus on a manageable brief. However, it has also doubled the cost to the city, since the allowance has not reduced, presumably because a cabinet role is still expected to be a full time job.

How many hours are the current cabinet members contracted to work in roles outside the Council?"


The answer was not sufficient and was not an answer. Can the Bristol City Council please tell me how many hours the current cabinet members are contracted to work in roles outside the council, please?


Yours faithfully,


Joanna Booth



Council services:
Latest council news:


Visible links
6. mailto:[email address]

"No Reply @ Bristol" <>, Bristol City Council

You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 26/03/2018

Your request number is CRN00161599

Our reply to your request is:  

Dear Joanna
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which has been
passed to me. This isn’t information that the council holds – it
would be personal records held by the bodies which employ the cabinet
members themselves. The amount of time cabinet members, or any
councillor, spends at their other commitments is a matter for them
personally and you may wish to write to them to ask.
The council does publish the register of interests for each member,
which includes their appointments to outside bodies, as well as their
attendance record for Council meetings.
You can find them all here:
The answer I gave to Cllr Combley’ s question at the time stated how
grateful I am to them for the time, effort and commitment they all
show in working to deliver for Bristol. I am focused on how my
administration will deliver for the city, and making sure that we
have the right resource and quality in my cabinet.  
Kind regards
[2]MR signature for letters
Marvin Rees
Mayor of Bristol
[3]Twitter | [4]Instagram | [5]Blog
t:  +44 (0) 117 922 2420
e:  [6][email address]
Mayor’s Office
Bristol City Council
City Hall, College Green
Bristol BS1 5TR
Postal Address: Mayor’s Office, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176,
Bristol BS3 9FS ;

This response should answer your request in full.

If you’re not satisfied with our response, or if you want to appeal
against any exemptions:

Email: [7][Bristol City Council request email]
Write to: Customer Relations (100TS), PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS

If you’re still not satisfied with our response:

You can complain to the Information Commissioner. 
Find out how to do this on the Information Commissioner Office
 (link to [8]


You do not own the copyright to any of the information we give you.
Copyright may be owned by the council or by a third party.

You are not allowed to:

·         make a copy of the information

·         use the information commercially

If you want to copy or use the information in any way you should ask
us for permission in writing first. We can’t give permission if it is
from a third party.


Kind regards

Bristol City Council


Visible links
6. mailto:[email address]
7. mailto:[Bristol City Council request email]