How many Camelot licence breaches between November 1994 and June 2021?
Dear Gambling Commission,
Please could you provide a transparent list of the total number of licence breaches (whether penalised or not), their associated financial penalties (if any), and any voluntary settlements (if any), made by Camelot with regard to The National Lottery, Lotto, Euromillions, and all their other draw based, scratchcard, and online games as a consequence of regulatory enforcement/investigations since November 1994?
Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Chester J. Lampwick
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your request for information which we are processing as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We aim to deal with all requests promptly and in any event, no later than 20 working days in line with the statutory requirement. In this case 19/07/2021
For information on how we process your personal information please see our freedom of information request specific privacy notice on the Gambling Commission website
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
Birmingham B2 4BP
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the address it came from indicating that you are not the intended recipient and delete it from your system. Do not copy, distribute or take action based on this email. Freedom of Information requests can be submitted either by email ([email address]) or by writing to: FOI request Gambling Commission Victoria Square House Victoria Square Birmingham B2 4BP Please clearly state that your request is under the Freedom of Information Act.
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your request which has been processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
In your email you have requested a transparent list of the total number of licence breaches (whether penalised or not), their associated financial penalties (if any), and any voluntary settlements (if any), made by Camelot with regard to The National Lottery, Lotto, Euromillions, and all their other draw based, scratchcard, and online games as a consequence of regulatory enforcement/investigations since November 1994?
Firstly, it should be noted that he FOIA provides individuals with the right to request recorded information held by public authorities such as the Gambling Commission, at the time the request is made. It does not impose any obligation on authorities to retrieve information from other organisations or to create information which was not already recorded at the time a request is made. As such, the Gambling Commission holds the below information falling within the scope of your request.
We produce the following list which reflects enforcement action taken by the Commission which has resulted in a proven licence breach or where the Commission has accepted a regulatory settlement linked to a licence breach:
Third Licence Period
During the 2018/2019 financial year
• A licence breach was recorded and financial penalty of £1,150,000 imposed following an investigation into control and governance failings at Camelot
During the 2016/2017 financial year
• A licence breach was recorded and financial penalty of £3m imposed following an investigation arising from an allegation that a fraudulent National Lottery prize claim had been made and paid out in 2009
• A financial penalty of £300,000 was imposed following an investigation around incorrect Lotto Millionaire Raffle results number published on website
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into incorrect EuroMillions jackpot advert details on results checker page published on website
During the 2014/2015 financial year
• A licence breach was recorded and financial penalty of £100,000 was imposed following a full investigation into Lotto Jackpot calculation error
During the 2013/2014 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Scrabble Scratchcard misprint
• Four licence breaches were recorded following full investigation into Animation errors in Monopoly and Passport to Prizes Interactive Instant Win Games
During the 2010/2011 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into incorrect Lotto draw result number on National Lottery website
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Point of sale advertising cube for the EuroMillions SMJG Event draw on 5 February 2010
During the 2009/2010 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Dream Number tickets not entered into the draw
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Prize Payment Security System
• Two licence breaches were recorded following full investigation into errors with the Player Guide
Second Licence Period
During the 2008/2009 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Paper Scissors Stone Interactive Instant Win Game having misleading prize structure.
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into 7 times lucky Interactive Instant Win Game – inaccuracies in game animation
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into discrepancies between Dream Number wagers recorded on the gaming system and details on the ticket supplied to players
During the 2007/2008 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into un-played / incomplete Interactive Instant Win Games
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into the promotion of EuroMillions
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into EuroMillions draw validation
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Dream Number launch issues
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into transmission of incorrect daily play results
During the 2006/2007 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into incorrect daily play results on the website
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into incorrect jackpot message on EuroMillions tickets
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Weekly Payout game advertised as £1
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into incorrect HotPicks prize tier information
During the 2005/2006 financial year
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into Cars N Cash advertised as a £1 game
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into inaccurate animation on Fair-weather Fortune Interactive Instant Win Game
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into HotPicks results Checker
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into HotPicks Nth Promotion
• Licence breach recorded following full investigation into retailer ticket validation error
Kind regards
Review of the decision
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your Freedom of Information request and wish us to conduct a review of our decision, you should write to FOI Team, Gambling Commission, 4th floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4BP or by reply to this email.
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may then apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have already exhausted the review procedure provided by the Gambling Commission. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Freedom of Information Team
Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
Birmingham B2 4BP
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the address it came from indicating that you are not the intended recipient and delete it from your system. Do not copy, distribute or take action based on this email. Freedom of Information requests can be submitted either by email ([email address]) or by writing to: FOI request Gambling Commission Victoria Square House Victoria Square Birmingham B2 4BP Please clearly state that your request is under the Freedom of Information Act.
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