How do you charge for NSPD?
Dear Sir or Madam,
This web page:
says that the price for the National Statistics Postcode Directory is "variable depending on requirements".
I would like to know what procedures are used to decide the price to charge. If there is a schedule of charges then I would like a copy of it. If there are policy documents governing charging schemes then I would like a copy. If these arrangement are influenced (partly or in whole) by contracts with external suppliers, then I would like a copy of those contracts.
Yours faithfully,
David Jones
Our Reference: FOI00808/Jones/QE1
Thank you for your email dated 19/09/08 requesting information about: the
National Statistics Postcode Directory. I am writing to confirm that the
Office for National Statistics has now completed its search for the
information which you requested on 06/10/08.
A copy of the information is enclosed.
You have the right to have this decision reviewed internally by an internal
review process and, if you remain unhappy with the decision, by the
Information Commissioner. If you would like to have the decision reviewed
please write to Mike Hughes, Group Director, National Statistics Policy
Group, Office for National Statistics, 1 Myddelton Street, Islington,
London, EC1R 1UW.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
(See attached file: Business Area Response.pdf)
Business Area Response
(See attached file: NSPD Order Form Template Nov 08.pdf)(See attached file:
NHSPD Order Form Template Nov 08.pdf)
Enclosure 1:
(return to ONS Geography Customer Services as soon as possible)
(See attached file: NSPD New Internal Use only Licence - End User -
Enclosure 2 :
(to be read prior to using the NSPD - use of NSPD will confirm acceptance
of all terms)
(See attached file: end user terms and conditions 10_08_07.pdf)
Enclosure 3 :
(return to ONS Geography Customer Services within 7 days of using the data)
(See attached file: NSPD charging document - 010908.pdf)
Enclosure 4 :
(for info - with examples to help you identify charges)
(See attached file: OS Standard Licensed Use.pdf)(See attached file: OS
Contractor Licence.pdf)
Enclosure 5:
(for info)
(See attached file: end user terms and conditions 10_08_07.pdf)
Enclosure 6
(for info)
Enclosure 7: Royal mail (sub)contractor licence - decision awaited from
Royal Mail - this enclosure will be supplied when/if Royal Mail decide to
(required when employing (sub) contractors who will use the data).
Yours Sincerely,
Paul Wearn
Assistant Legal Policy Officer
Legal Services
* E-mail: [email address]
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
Dear Paul Wearn,
Thank you for your reply, it is very useful and informative.
As a clarification to the original request (resetting the clock for you!), could I please have copies of the contracts and licenses between the Office for National Statistics and Royal Mail, and also between the ONS and Ordnance Survey. That's what I meant by "third party contracts" in my original request; it just wasn't clear who the third parties were until your response.
I understand that your arrangements with Royal Mail may be changing; would it be better to wait until the dust has settled? I'm happy to do that.
Yours sincerely,
David Jones
I will be out of the office starting 08/10/2008 and will not return until
If your query is urgent please email legalservices@ons
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
I have stopped the clock due to the nature of the information concerned as
there may be an issue with the public interest test, s43(3) of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. We need to consider whether the release of this
information could have a prejudicial effect on the commercial interest of
both the ONS and Royal Mail / Ordnance Survey.
We will respond to you within the next 10 working days, apologies for the
Paul Wearn
Assistant Legal Policy Officer
Legal Services
( Phone: x4465
* E-mail: [email address]
request-3097-1001b85a@whatdot To: Paul Wearn/ONS@ONS
08/10/2008 11:03 Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - How do you charge for NSPD?
Dear Paul Wearn,
Thank you for your reply, it is very useful and informative.
As a clarification to the original request (resetting the clock for
you!), could I please have copies of the contracts and licenses
between the Office for National Statistics and Royal Mail, and also
between the ONS and Ordnance Survey. That's what I meant by "third
party contracts" in my original request; it just wasn't clear who
the third parties were until your response.
I understand that your arrangements with Royal Mail may be
changing; would it be better to wait until the dust has settled?
I'm happy to do that.
Yours sincerely,
David Jones
Thank you for your letter of dated 8th October 2008 providing further
clarification with regards requesting information about NSPD charges.
Firstly please let me apologise for delay in responding to you, as you will
know from my previous correspondence this was due to the need to consider
the public interest considerations in this case. However I am now happy to
say that we have now completed this process and we have concluded that the
information can be released.
A copy of the information is enclosed:
Royal Mail Agreement::
The terms of this agreement are intended to govern the use of all data
supplied to the data partner pursuant to the data supply agreement with
Royal Mail and as specified in any data supply order form signed by the
data partner and accepted by Royal Mail from time to time. ONS are
currently in the process of agreeing this new licence agreement with the
Royal Mail. We expect this to be signed in November 2008. If any
substantial changes are made to the new licence I will send you copy of the
new licence.
(See attached file: PAF - Generic - Data Partner - Data Licence Agreement -
Ordnance Survey:
The purpose of this agreement is to set out the obligations of Ordnance
Survey and partner and to provide the framework for the delivery, access
and use of Ordnance Survey Data for the purpose of allowing the partner to
develop, market and provide products and/or services pursuant to the
(See attached file: ONSOS FPLA final v.6 310304.pdf)
Gridlink Production SLA:
This agreement allows the production of the core dataset. The agreement
operates between Office for National Statistics, Ordnance Survey, Ordnance
Survey of Northern Ireland, General Register Office for Scotland and Royal
Mail Group plc.
(See attached file: L0147A_Gridlink_230407.pdf)
You have the right to have this decision reviewed internally by an internal
review process and, if you remain unhappy with the decision, by the
Information Commissioner. If you would like to have the decision reviewed
please write to Mike Hughes, Group Director, National Statistics Policy
Group, Office for National Statistics, 1 Myddelton Street, Islington,
London, EC1R 1UW
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Wearn
Assistant Legal Policy Officer
Legal Services
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
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Francis Irving left an annotation ()
Overview of state of UK postcode data, with reference to this FOI request: