Housing Waiting List

The request was successful.

Dear Shropshire Council,

I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. With regard to the authority's housing waiting list, how many households were removed from the list in the last full year where figures are available?

2. Can you list the reasons given for the removal from the list?

3. How many households were removed from the list because of death?

4. How many households have been on the list for a) between five years and ten years b) ten years or more

5. With regards to household that has been on the list the longest, how long have they been on the list?

6. Can you provide the same figures provided for questions 1. 2. and 3 for each of the last ten years or as far back as the cost limit will allow?

Yours faithfully,

Ramzy Alwakeel

Shropshire Council

Dear Ramzy Alwakeel,
Your Request For Information Regarding Housing Waiting List has been
Many Thanks,
Information Governance 
[1]For information about Coronavirus click here/image below

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Visible links
1. https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
2. https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Tracey Yates, Shropshire Council

3 Attachments

Dear Ramzy


Thank you for your freedom of information enquiry.  I duly attach a
response sent on behalf of Tanya Miles, Executive Director of Adult Social
Care/Housing & Public Health.


Kind regards




Tracey Yates

PA to  Tanya Miles, Executive Director Adult Social Care / Housing and
Public Health



'  01743 258663

* [1][email address]
8  [2]www.shropshire.gov.uk


+  Shropshire Council | Shirehall | Abbey Foregate | Shrewsbury |
Shropshire | SY2 6ND


[3]Catch it, bin it, kill it








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