We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Denise McShane please sign in and let everyone know.

Housing Stock Belfast North

We're waiting for Denise McShane to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,

Can you please provide me with the NIHE 1 Bedroom Stock for North Belfast Newlodge/Carlisle area including the seven towers?

Could you also provide me with information on the total amount of points required for a 1 bed property in the area such as; the total amount of points the previous several tenants where made offers?

Yours faithfully,


Duffin, Lee, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Dear Ms McShane,


Please find attached an acknowledgement letter for your recent Freedom of
Information request.


Best regards,


Lee Duffin

Housing Executive Equality Unit

On behalf of

Tony Steed

Housing Executive Equality Unit Manager

*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE

show quoted sections

Duffin, Lee, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Dear Ms McShane,


Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request
received by us on the 28^th June 2021.


Best regards,


Lee Duffin

On behalf of Tony Steed (Housing Executive Equality Unit Manager)


*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Denise McShane please sign in and let everyone know.