Housing Query
Dear Gosport Borough Council,
Q1. We are looking to find out if the council has done either of the models below for housing.
• Sale and Leaseback – Leaseback, short for "sale-and-leaseback", is a financial transaction in which one sells an asset and leases it back for the long term; therefore, one continues to be able to use the asset but no longer owns it.
• Income Strip – At its simplest, an income strip investment combines a strong tenant covenant, with a long-term lease and a forward funding arrangement to give an investor a stable and secure income stream. The strong tenant covenant frequently comes from the public sector such as local councils, and the long-term lease often runs between 30 and 50 years.
Q2. Can you advise of weekly rents paid for the following?
1. Temporary accommodation for homeless relief
2. Extra care housing (not including any service charge elements, just the core rent)
3. Housing / Beds for adults with complex needs
Q3. Does the council own any land or disused buildings that they would be prepared to sell and or re purpose?
Yours faithfully,
Debbie Connal
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Dear Debbie
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
GBC Ref: FOI3091
Thank you for your request for information dated 3/3/23 this is currently
being dealt with in accordance with the legislation and you will receive a
response within 20 working days (31/3/23).
In the meantime if I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Details of our Internal Review process can be found on our website
Yours sincerely
Linda Leadbeater
FOI Coordinator/Housing Services
Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
PO12 1EB
Telephone: 023 9254 5682
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Dear Debbie
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
GBC Ref: FOI3091
Thank you for your information request dated 3/3/23.
Please find the information you have requested below:
Q1. We are looking to find out if the council has done either of the
models below for housing.
• Sale and Leaseback – Leaseback, short for "sale-and-leaseback", is
a financial transaction in which one sells an asset and leases it back for
the long term; therefore, one continues to be able to use the asset but no
longer owns it.
• Income Strip – At its simplest, an income strip investment
combines a strong tenant covenant, with a long-term lease and a forward
funding arrangement to give an investor a stable and secure income stream.
The strong tenant covenant frequently comes from the public sector such as
local councils, and the long-term lease often runs between 30 and 50
Q2. Can you advise of weekly rents paid for the following?
1. Temporary accommodation for homeless relief - As there was no
period specified and because our rents vary significantly I have provided
a range from lowest to highest rents in any given week. Lowest rent
£88.74 per week + highest rent £1168.90 per week.
2. Extra care housing (not including any service charge elements,
just the core rent) – There are two extra care schemes in Gosport but they
are not owned or run by Gosport Borough Council. Please contact the
relevant housing providers for the weekly rent figures. Juniper Court is
Guinness Partnerships and Spinnaker View is Places for People.
3. Housing / Beds for adults with complex needs – please contact
Hampshire County Council as they provide that category of housing in
Q3. Does the council own any land or disused buildings that they
would be prepared to sell and or re purpose?
None currently, but we give due consideration to any request for a land
Please contact me again if you require any further assistance on this
matter and I will do my best to provide relevant help and advice.
Details of our Internal Review process can be found on our website
Yours sincerely
Linda Leadbeater
FOI Co-ordinator/Housing Services
Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
PO12 1EB
Telephone: 023 9254 5682
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