Housing Enforcement
Dear Ealing Borough Council,
I wish to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
For each calendar year from 2017, and for 2023 to date :
1) The number of complaints relating to conditions of properties in the Private Rented Sector the Council received,
2) The number of each of the following notice that were issued by the Council in relation to private rented homes:
a) an Improvement Notice,
b) an Emergency Remedial Action Notice
c) a Prohibition Order
3) The number of prosecutions brought by the Council in relation to conditions in private rented properties.
4) The number of (a) Notices of Intent and (b) Final Notices for civil penalties issued by the Council relating to housing matters.
5) The number of occasions on which the Council has assisted a tenant to obtain a Rent Repayment Order.
Yours faithfully,
Jon Patience
Dear Jon Patience,
Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 / Environmental Information
Regulations (EIR) 2004.
Thank you for your information request which is being dealt with under the
terms of the relevant legislation.
Your request has been logged as: 23-0850.
FOI and EIR requests have a statutory compliance time of twenty working
If you have any queries about this request please contact us via
[1][Ealing Borough Council request email] quoting the reference number quoted above.
Yours sincerely,
Kam Ubhi (she/her)
Information Governance Officer
020 8825 8367
London Borough of Ealing, Perceval House 5/SE/12, 14-16 Uxbridge Road,
Ealing, London, W5 2HL
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From: Jon Patience <[FOI #1004272 email]>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 3:45 PM
To: foirequests <[Ealing Borough Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Housing Enforcement
WARNING : This Message has originated from outside your organization, If
you do not trust this email please either delete or follow the guidance on
Dear Ealing Borough Council,
I wish to request the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act:
For each calendar year from 2017, and for 2023 to date :
1) The number of complaints relating to conditions of properties in the
Private Rented Sector the Council received,
2) The number of each of the following notice that were issued by the
Council in relation to private rented homes:
a) an Improvement Notice,
b) an Emergency Remedial Action Notice
c) a Prohibition Order
3) The number of prosecutions brought by the Council in relation to
conditions in private rented properties.
4) The number of (a) Notices of Intent and (b) Final Notices for civil
penalties issued by the Council relating to housing matters.
5) The number of occasions on which the Council has assisted a tenant to
obtain a Rent Repayment Order.
Yours faithfully,
Jon Patience
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[3][FOI #1004272 email]
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Information requests to Ealing Borough Council? If so, please contact us
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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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Our ref: 23-0850
Dear Jon Patience,
Please find attached our completed response to your information request.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you can request
an internal review.
Details of the Freedom of Information complaints process can be found via
our website at the link below:
Requests for an internal review should be submitted to us within 40
working days of the response completion date.
Any such request received after this time will only be considered at our
If you remain dissatisfied by the outcome of the Internal Review you have
the right to submit your complaint to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Kind Regards
Stuart O’Brien (he/him)
Information Governance Officer
( 020 8825 8367
+ London Borough of Ealing, Perceval House 3/NE, 14-16 Uxbridge Road,
Ealing, London, W5 2HL
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Visible links
1. http://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/200640/fre...
Dear foirequests,
Thank you very much for the prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
Jon Patience
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