Households presenting as homeless between 2022 and 2023 that claim Universal Credit

Oliver Murphy made this Freedom of Information request to North Lincolnshire Council as part of a batch sent to 312 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

North Lincolnshire Council did not have the information requested.

Dear FOI Team,

I write to request information on the number of households claiming Universal Credit and/or housing benefit who presented to you as homeless between May 2022 and June 2023.

As part of this request, I would like this information to be broken down into the following:

(i) The total number of households claiming Universal Credit presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing;

(i) The total number of households claiming housing benefit – part of the legacy welfare system – presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing (if relevant).

If the cost of breaking down property types exceeds the figure set out in Section 12 of the FOI Act, then please provide a total amount of households presenting while claiming Universal Credit.

If possible, please present the information in Excel format.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Murphy

Information Governance Team,

Dear Oliver Murphy,

Thank you for your request which was received on 1st August. The estimate
response date for your request is the 30th August.

Should you have any queries, amendments or additions relating to this
request, please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours Faithfully

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council

Information Governance Team,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Information Disclosure FOI2023 01201.odt

    639K Download

Dear Oliver Murphy,

I am writing in response to your request for information, that was
received on the 1st August. Please find our Information Disclosure letter

If we can be of any further assistance with regard to this request please
let us know quoting the above reference number.

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council