Households presenting as homeless between 2022 and 2023 that claim Universal Credit

The request was successful.

Dear FOI Team,

I write to request information on the number of households claiming Universal Credit and/or housing benefit who presented to you as homeless between May 2022 and June 2023.

As part of this request, I would like this information to be broken down into the following:

(i) The total number of households claiming Universal Credit presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing;

(i) The total number of households claiming housing benefit – part of the legacy welfare system – presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing (if relevant).

If the cost of breaking down property types exceeds the figure set out in Section 12 of the FOI Act, then please provide a total amount of households presenting while claiming Universal Credit.

If possible, please present the information in Excel format.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Murphy

FOI Enquiries, Gosport Borough Council

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Seldon, Sam, Gosport Borough Council

Dear Mr Murphy
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
GBC Ref: FOI 3331
Thank you for your request for information dated 01/08/2023, this is
currently being dealt with in accordance with the legislation and you will
receive a response within 20 working days 30/08/23.
In the meantime if I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Details of our Internal Review process can be found on our website
Yours sincerely
Samantha Seldon
Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
PO12 1EB
Telephone: 023 9254 5682


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Church, Suzanne, Gosport Borough Council

Dear Oliver
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
GBC Ref: FOI3331
Thank you for your information request dated 1^st August 2023.
Please find below the information you have requested.

Current Accommodation 2-Housing Benefit 1-Universal Credit Grand Total
Armed Forces 7 7
Council tenant 1 3 4
Living with family 16 12 28
Living with friends 6 11 17
Looked after children 2 2
NASS accommodation 1 2 3
Private rented sector: 2 4 6
Private rented sector:
lodging (not with family 2 6 8
or friends)
Private rented sector: 37 117 154
Refuge 3 2 5
Registered Provider 1 6 7
Social rented supported 10 2 12
housing or hostel
Temporary accommodation 2 5 7
Grand Total 83 177 260

Please contact me again if you require any further assistance on this
matter and I will do my best to provide relevant help and advice.
Details of our Internal Review process can be found on our website
Yours sincerely
Suzanne Church
FOI Co-ordinator/Housing Services
Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
PO12 1EB
Telephone: 023 9254 5682
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