House Of Lords Members Fees, Allowances And Other Services
Dear House of Lords,
Under the Freedom Of Information Act please provide the following information:
1. The daily allowance paid to House Of Lords members for attendance.
2. The daily allowance paid to House Of Lords members for non-attendance.
3. All other allowances paid to House Of Lords members.
4. Car parking arrangements and charges for House Of Lords members.
5. Copy of all menus for restaurants and cafes available for House Of Lords members.
6. List of all other facilities available to House Of Lords members e.g. gyms, libraries, lounges etc. with a list of charges.
Yours faithfully,
Sean Moran
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Dear Mr. Moran,
I am writing in response to your request to the House of Lords.
Questions 1 - 3
Information relating to the financial support available to Members of the
House of Lords is set out in the Guide to Financial Support for Members
which is published at:
This includes information on the eligibility to claim, entitlement to
claim, the daily allowance which is only available for attendance and
other allowances.
Questions 4 and 6
Facilities and services available to Members of the House are listed as
part of the Handbook on facilities and services for Members, a copy of
which is attached. You may wish to be aware that, whilst all the
information relevant to your request has been included, copies of two maps
are not included for the reasons set out at:
The Handbook includes some information on car parking arrangements,
library and information services, accommodation and the gymnasium. The
limited amount of car parking spaces are made available free of charge.
The House of Lords Library provides impartial information and research
services to Members in support of the work of the House. Members are not
charged for these services.
The Westminster gymnasium is open to Members of the House. A joining
fee and an annual membership fee are payable, details of which are
Question 5
Please find attached copies of menus from House of Lords catering
facilities. Members of the House of Lords may also use some of the House
of Commons catering facilities as set out in the attached Handbook. The
House of Lords Administration does not hold these menus. You may wish to
contact the House of Commons at [3][email address]
I hope the above information is helpful.
You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request for
information, ask the House of Lords to conduct an internal review.
Requests for an internal review should be addressed to
[4][email address] or to the Freedom of Information Officer, House
of Lords, London SW1A 0PW, and set out the nature of your complaint.
Arrangements will be made for someone who has not been involved in dealing
with your request to conduct an internal review. Our aim is to complete
internal reviews within 20 working days.
If, following this review, you remain dissatisfied with the House’s
treatment of your request for information then you may take your complaint
to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Frances Grey
Freedom of Information Officer
House of Lords
------------------- Original Message
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