Homes for Ukraine: Accommodation
I'm looking for as much information as possible concerning what has happened to the Ukrainian refugees who have settled in the UK via the Government's Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme.
If my questions could be better refined in order to achieve a disclosure that provides the information I'm asking for, I'd appreciate your guidance in that respect.
I'd like the responses in an Excel spreadsheet, please.
1. How many households have hosted Ukrainians under the scheme since it began?
2. How many households are currently hosting Ukrainians linked to the scheme?
3. How many property inspections has the council carried out in relation to the scheme?
4. How many host properties/homes have not yet been inspected by the council?
5. How many sponsorship arrangements have broken down? For each, please provide reasons given.
6. How many Ukrainians housed under the scheme have been relocated from their original host household? Please provide a breakdown of the reasons why.
7. How many Ukrainians linked to the scheme have been identified by the council as homeless or at risk of homelessness?
8. How many Ukrainians settled under the scheme have been placed by the council in temporary accommodation? Please break down by type of accommodation, i.e. hostel/hotel/B&B, and length of stay.
9. How much has been spent by the council on temporary accommodation for Ukrainian refugees linked to the scheme?
If you need me to clarify any of the above, or you believe the questions should be refined or reframed to meet the terms of the FOI Act, please contact me as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Joanna Morris
Dear Sir/Madam
I have looked into your request for information and must inform you that the Council does not hold the information you require. You will need to contact Cumbria County Council.
I apologise that your request cannot be met but if you have any queries, concerns or any further information needs in the future then please contact me.
If the complaint still cannot be resolved you may contact the Council’s Corporate Services Manager at the address given above.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Yours sincerely
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