Homelessness Code of Guidance
Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,
Can you please provide a copy of the code of guidance currently used by NIHE decision makers to assist them in carrying out the Executive's statutory duty to assess people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness?
If NIHE currently uses guidance published by another authority (e.g. the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) can you please explain:
* why local guidance is not available?
* whether local guidance is scheduled to be published and, if so, when this will happen?
* what, if any, deviations local decision makers are entitled to make from the MHCLG guidance?
Many thanks
Yours faithfully,
E Farrell
Dear E Farrell,
Please find attached acknowledgement of your recent Freedom of Information
Kind regards
Aidan Hamill
Freedom Of Information Coordinator
Complaints Administrative Officer
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
(: (028) 95982236 | ( Ext: 83081 *: [1][email address]
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear E Farrell,
Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information
Kind regards
Aidan Hamill
Freedom Of Information Coordinator
Complaints Administrative Officer
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
(: (028) 95982236 | ( Ext: 83081 *: [1][email address]
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Hamill, Aidan,
Thank you very much for supplying this document Aidan.
As a number of chapters are under review, can you please clarify
* when the review of said chapters began and
* when the review is scheduled to complete?
Can you also advise if the revised guidance will be published to the Housing Executive's website or to the Department for Communities website? Failing publication, can you advise how members of the public will be notified of the availability of the revised guidance?
Yours sincerely,
E Farrell
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