Freedom of Information Team
6 Floor
Mr George Cross
Central Mail Unit
Newcastle Upon Tyne
By email:
NE98 1ZZ
Date: 04 September 2023
Our ref:
Dear Mr Cross
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Thank you for your request, which was received on 16 August, for the following information:
“With respect to your response for (B), can you disclose the number of contractual home
workers in HMRC as you have defined them?”
Our response
As of 27 July, there was a total of 2,068 contractual home workers in HMRC.
Please note, HMRC grants home working contracts only by way of redundancy mitigation
when closing HMRC buildings, or when there has been some form of individual reasonable
working adjustment.
If you are not satisfied with our reply, you may request a review within 40 working days of
receiving this letter by emaili
ng or by writing to our
address at the top.
If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review you can
complain to the
Information Commissioner’s Office.
Yours sincerely,
HM Revenue and Customs
If you need extra support, for example if you have a disability, a mental health condition, or
do not speak En
glish/Welsh, go to and search for ‘get help from HMRC’.
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