Home Education policy - cooperation with the UK

The request was successful.

Dear Department of Education (Northern Ireland),

This is an FOI request relating to discussions between the Department for Education in London and the Northern Ireland Executive regarding home education law, policy and guidance.

Please supply the following:

1. Agendas, minutes and emails relating to meetings and discussion with the Department for Education about the formulation of home education law, policy and guidance in Northern Ireland and England.

2. I request the information dated from 26 January 2022.

Yours faithfully,


Freedom of Information (DENI), Department of Education (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment


Mr Jones


Freedom of Information Act 2000


Thank you for your email requesting information on discussions between
England and the NI Executive on home schooling..


Your request was received on the 07/04/2022 and it will be dealt with
under the terms of the above legislation. 


The leaflet attached tells you about the legislation and the procedures
the Department will follow in handling your request. 


If you have any queries about this email, please contact me quoting the
reference number above in any future communications.


Kind Regards



Neil McCormick

Information Management Team

Rathgael House

Balloo Road


BT19 7PR


Telephone – 028 9127 7698 (DD. 69098)

Email – [1][email address]






Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Department of Education (Northern Ireland),

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Education (Northern Ireland)'s handling of my FOI request 'Home Education policy - cooperation with the UK' received by the Department on 07/04/2022

The response to my request is now long overdue. Please can you arrange for a prompt response and release of the information requested.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/h...

Yours faithfully,


Freedom of Information (DENI), Department of Education (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments

Mr Jones

According to our records your request was replied to by the business area on the 10 May 2022. I have attached the letter and its attachment to this for your convenience.

Grateful if you could confirm if you still would like an internal review or if the attached letter will conclude the matter.

Kind regards

Neil McCormick
Information Management Team
Room G18
Rathgael House
Balloo Road
BT19 7PR

Telephone – 028 9127 7698 (DD. 69098)
Email – [email address]

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