Home education

The request was successful.

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,
1. How many home educated children do you know to be in your
Authority area currently.

2. Of those home educated children, how many have been visited in
their own home by your officers, or their parents have met with
your officers at a mutually agreed location, in the last 12

3. Of the remaining children for whom visits or meetings did not
take place, for how many have the education department received
written reports from the parents, third party reports or samples
work in the last 12 months.

4. Of those home educated children currently in your area, for how
many have the parents declined to provide any information at all
in the last 12 months

Yours faithfully,

Eloise Reardon

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

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Your enquiry has been given the reference number 1392.  Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard to this enquiry.

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If you are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act or environmental Information Regulations, there is a 20 working day statutory timescale within which to provide the information requested, subject to any exemptions which may apply.  The 20 working day timescale will start on the first working day following receipt of your email.

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Thank you
Trafford Council

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Byrom, Steven, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Eloise

Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 20 April 2015 please find the responses to the questions raised:

1. How many home educated children do you know to be in your Authority area currently.

2. Of those home educated children, how many have been visited in their own home by your officers, or their parents have met with your officers at a mutually agreed location, in the last 12 months.

3. Of the remaining children for whom visits or meetings did not take place, for how many have the education department received written reports from the parents, third party reports or samples of work in the last 12 months.

4. Of those home educated children currently in your area, for how many have the parents declined to provide any information at all in the last 12 months

Yours sincerely,

Steve Byrom
Compliance and Governance Officer
Children and Young People’s Service 1st Floor Trafford Town Hall Talbot Road STRETFORD
M32 0TH

Telephone 0161 912 4698
Email: [email address]

Trafford Council is a well-performing, low-cost council delivering excellent services to make Trafford a great place to live, learn, work and relax.. You can find out more about us by visiting www.trafford.gov.uk

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