HMO register from “Plymouth city council”

The request was successful.

Dear Plymouth City Council,

I searched on your website and couldn't find a copy of your up to date HMO Licence Register as prescribed under the Housing Act 2004 s.232 (1) and the information that is required to be maintained within the register is described in the The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006.

The latter is extracted here for convenience:

Registers of Licences

11.—(1) The following particulars are prescribed for each entry in a register established and maintained under section 232(1)(a) of the Actin respect of a licence granted under Part 2 (HMOs) or 3 (selective licensing) of the Act which is in force—

(a) HMO Property Address
(b) HMO Licence Holder(s) Full Name
(c) HMO Licence Holders Correspondence Address
(d) HMO Managers Name
(e) HMO Managers Address
(f) A short description of the licensed HMO or house;
(g) A summary of the conditions of the licence;
(h) Date of Licence Commencement
(I) Date of Licence Expiry
(j) Duration of Licence
(k) Licence Number
(l) Number of Households
(m) Maximum Number of Occupants
(n) Number of Units/Bedrooms
(o) Number of Self Contained Units
(p) Number of Non Self Contained Units
(q) Number of Storeys
(r) Number of Kitchens
(s) Number of Reception
(t) Number of Bathrooms
(u) Number of Separate WCs

A reply using Excel format would be very helpful.

Yours faithfully,


FOI People, Plymouth City Council

Dear Ricardo,


Freedom of Information Request Reference: 913700

Copy of Plymouth City Council HMO Register


Following your request dated 3 October 2019, I can confirm that the
Council does hold the information you requested. This information is
contained within the register of HMOs. The register of licenced HMOs is a
public document for which Plymouth City Council are empowered to charge a
fee. We charge £40.00 for a copy of the register.

Alternatively you can come in and look at a copy but would not be able to
copy it.

You can make contact with the HMO Team on 01752 398500 if you would like
to see a copy of the register.


Please note that the information supplied can be re-used in accordance
with the Open Government Licence. For further details please see:


If you wish to discuss this letter please contact me. If you disagree with
the way your request has been dealt with you can request a review by
writing to me within 40 working days of the date of this letter. Please
state the reasons for your dissatisfaction.


Following a review, if you are still not satisfied with the way your
request has been dealt with you can complain to the Information
Commissioner’s Office via their website:
[2] or by writing to: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.


Information about the Freedom of Information Act 2000 can be found on the
Information Commissioners Office website: [3]


We also have information available on our website:




Yours sincerely


Matthew Garratt
Service Director

Community Connections
Plymouth City Council
Ballard House, West Hoe Road

T +441752398500

E [5][email address]



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